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研究生(外文):Lung-wei Chung
論文名稱(外文):Integration of Planar Lightwave Circuit and Photonic Crystals
指導教授(外文):San-Liang Lee
外文關鍵詞:Multimode InterferenceWaveguidePhotonic Crystals
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其次,我們提出一種普遍性的新方法,以縮短多模干涉耦合器上自我成像的激發長度。藉由適當地調整多點影像上的彼此相位差,模態沿展將改變並使自我成像在更短的距離上。這樣的效應可以被視作在原來的多模干涉耦合器上,分割產生成多個次多模干涉耦合器。並且這樣的效應可以應用在對稱型及成對型的干涉情形,我們應用這樣的原理設計緊密短小並可操作在雙波段的光功率分離器及解多工器,模擬展現具有縮短耦合器長度的優越效能,並可同時操作在1.3及1.55 um的頻帶上。
最後,藉由多模干涉機制與光子晶體的結合,設計實現出一種具有寬頻帶且緊密短小結構的1.3/1.55 um波長解工器,以有限差分時域分析法模擬展示出在雙波段上皆具有大於100 nm的頻寬的優越性能,而且其插入損耗將低於3 dB和隔離率大於20 dB以上。
In this thesis, we are interested in the integration of planar lightwave circuit and photonic crystals. Both analysis and design are based on the application of passive devices in optical passive network. The major wok includes three parts.
Firstly, we present a novel design of dual-band demultiplexers based on a periodic hexagonal lattice of holes or rods on silicon materials. The demultiplexing function can be applied by coupling between two defect waveguides at one wavelength and with decoupling then at another wavelength. Appropriately choosing the radius and number of separated rows yields a broad bandwidth for one range of wavelengths. Two designs that use rods or holes to generate photonic crystals are realized.
Secondly, a unified method was proposed to reduce the beat length of a multimode interference (MMI) coupler. By properly adjusting the phase difference of the N-fold images, the mode evolution is changed to generate self-images at a much shorter distance. The effect of adjusting the phase difference can be regarded as dividing the original MMI coupler into multiple sub-MMI couplers. Such an effect can be applied for both symmetric- and paired-interference cases. We applied the principle to design compact optical splitters operating at dual wavelength bands. The simulation shows that excellent performance with reduced coupler length can be obtained for splitters operating at both 1.3 and 1.55 um bands.
Thirdly, by the combination of multimode interference and photonic crystals, a broad-band 1.3/1.55-um demultiplexer can be realized with a very compact structure. Simulation with the finite-difference time domain method shows its excellent performance. Greater than 20dB an isolation ratio and the insertion loss less than 3 dB over 100nm bandwidth at both wavelength bands are obtained.
第一章 簡介
1.1 前言
1.2 平面光波路由技術概念
1.3 多模干涉耦合原理
1.4 光子晶體背景理論
1.4.1 簡介
1.4.2 波動方程式及特徵值
1.4.3 固態電子Tight binding理論
1.5 研究動機與論文架構
第二章 矽材料式光子晶體雙波段解多工器
2.1 簡介
2.2 方向性耦合解多工器
2.3 結構設計
2.3.1 矽柱狀結構
2.3.2 埋入式空氣洞結構
2.4 頻寬特性
第三章 多模干涉耦合器中可縮短激發長度之原理與應用
3.1 簡介
3.2 操作原理
3.2.1 MMI中光場表示
3.3.1 修正的對稱型干涉
3.3.2 修正的成對型干涉
3.4 應用
3.4.1 1�e2雙波段分光器
3.4.2 1�e2雙波段分光暨解多工器
第四章 多模干涉式寬頻帶光子晶體解多工器
4.1 簡介
4.2 設計與分析
4.3 模擬與結果
第五章 結論與未來發展
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