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研究生(外文):Ruei-Yi Chang
論文名稱(外文):Improved Wireless Token Ring Protocol (IWTRP) in Multihop Metropolitan Area Network
指導教授(外文):Ray-Guang Cheng
外文關鍵詞:multihop metropolitan area networkchannel utilizationmultiple-token circulationconcurrent transmissions
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在由多個802.11無線節點所組成的多躍式都會區域網路(multihop metropolitan area network)中,資料的傳遞是以多躍式的方式傳送。然而,將傳統的802.11的媒介存取協定應用在多躍式環境時,將因封包過度碰撞所造成的通道使用率急遽下降。為了解決多躍式隨意網路(multihop ad hoc network)的封包過度碰撞問題,無線權證環協定(Wireless Token Ring Protocol, WTRP)提出非競爭式的媒介存取控制機制來避免碰撞的產生。然而,在多躍式都會區域網路環境下,無線權證環協定將面臨通道使用率過低的缺點。本篇論文旨在克服此缺點,並提出一增強型無線權證環協定(Improved Wireless Token Ring Protocol, IWTRP),希望能提供高速都會區域網路架構上的另一選擇。 增強型無線權證環協定採用空間再利用(spatial reuse)的概念,以多權證循環(multiple-token circulation)的方式,增加網路節點同時傳送(concurrent transmission)的機會,以提升通道使用率及網路流量(throughput)。本論文針對增強型無線權證環協定下的飽和流量提出分析模型,並以系統模擬確認分析結果的正確性。此外,並以系統模擬的方式進一步的探討增強型無線權證環協定在不同環境下的效能。由模擬結果顯示,與無線權證環協定相比較,特別是在高網路負載時,增強型無線權證環協定可以有效提高網路中每節點的平均網路流量。
In multihop metropolitan area network which is composed of 802.11 wireless nodes, the data exchange is relayed to remote nodes via multihop transmission. However, the conventional 802.11 medium access control (MAC) protocol applied in multihop network confronts the severe performance bottleneck due to the inferior channel utilization. Since the overly packet collision leads the channel utilization into severe degradation. In order to resolve the overly packet collision in multihop ad hoc network. The wireless token ring protocol (WTRP) proposes a collision-free MAC protocol to prevent unnecessary collisions. However, WTRP has the shortage on low channel utilization in multihop metropolitan area network. This thesis expects to overcome the weakness, and proposed an improved wireless token ring protocol (IWTRP) to provide an architecture option in high-speed multihop metropolitan area network. The IWTRP employs the spatial reuse concept to allow more concurrent transmissions to improve the channel utilization and network throughput via multiple-token circulation scheme. This thesis proposes an analytical model for saturation throughput in IWTRP, and the simulation verifies the accuracy and preciseness. This thesis also provides advanced performance comparison of IWTRP in different environment via simulation. The simulation results represents that the per-node throughput performance of IWTRP is much better than that of WTRP, especially at high network load.
摘要...................................................................I Abstract..............................................................II
Table of Contents....................................................III
List of Figures........................................................V
List ofTables........................................................VII
Chapter 1 Introduction.................................................1
1.1 Multihop Metropolitan Area Network.................................1
1.2 IEEE 802.11........................................................3
1.2.1 802.11 Overview..................................................3
1.2.2 802.11 DCF.......................................................4
1.3 Related Work.......................................................8
1.3.1 Data-Driven Cut-Through Medium Access Protocol...................8
1.3.2 Power Control Multiple Access Protocol..........................10
1.3.3 Medium Access Collision Avoidance via Enhanced Parallelism......12
1.3.4 Wireless Token Ring Protocol....................................13
1.3.5 Energy-Efficient Wireless Token Ring Protocol...................16
1.4 Motivation........................................................17 Chapter 2 System Model................................................20
2.1 System Environment................................................20
2.2 Basic Assumptions.................................................21
2.3 Frame Formats and Operation States................................23
2.4 Performance Metric................................................25 Chapter 3 Improved Wireless Token Ring Protocol.......................27
3.1 Protocol Description..............................................27
3.1.1 Flow Chart......................................................27
3.1.2 Multiple-Token Generating Procedures............................30
3.1.3 Collision Resolution............................................32
3.1.4 Recovery form Channel Error.....................................34
3.1.5 Modification for Dense Environment..............................34
3.2 Performance Analysis..............................................36
3.2.1 Analytical Model................................................36
3.2.2 Saturation Throughput...........................................37 Chapter 4 Numerical Results...........................................41
4.1 Simulation Setup..................................................42
4.2 Numerical Results.................................................44
4.2.1 Numerical Results of Saturation Throughput......................44
4.2.2 Performance Comparison with Varied Payload Sizes................47
4.2.3 Performance Comparison with Mixed Payload Size..................49
4.2.4 Performance Comparison in Dense Environment.....................51
4.2.5 Performance Comparison with Error-Prone Channel.................53 Chapter 5 Conclusion..................................................57 References............................................................60
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