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研究生(外文):Yu-sung Chen
論文名稱(外文):The Implementation of a Real Time Image Detection System for the Foreground Moving Vehicle
指導教授(外文):Chau-Ren, Tsai
外文關鍵詞:Image processingMoving vehocle
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Motion detection and tracking has been an important research in the field of computer vision all the time. The achievements of these research are widely applied for a lot of implementation of ITS. It is purpose is to solve all kinds of problems happening in driving on the road, so driver’s safety would be protected. This thesis is the research for pre-crash restraint deployment. First, we pick up the run-on time images from digital camera. Then we could find the field of the foreground moving vehicle by detecting left and right lane. Next, we detect the foreground moving vehicle during this range. By transforming it with geometrical optics coordinate, we could estimate the relative distance from one car to another car, and we could take this as the reference of the prevention of the crash before a traffic accident. In this thesis, we use a single capture equipment set on the car to test and verify it, and we could reach the goal of detecting in real time.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
誌 謝 III
目 錄 IV
圖表索引 VII

第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 主要貢獻 2
1.3 論文架構 3

第二章 系統架構介紹 5
2.1 碰撞預防系統介紹 6
2.2 系統架構 8
2.3 前景特徵與道路資訊 11
2.4 硬體規格與功能 14

第三章 數位影像前置處理程序 15
3.1 影像彩色模型與灰階模型轉換 16
3.2 邊緣檢測 19
3.3 空間濾波 29
3.4 型態學 33

第四章 路面標線偵測 36
4.1路面標線研究現況 36
4.2直線偵測方法 38
4.3路面標線邊緣偵測 43
4.3.1標線邊緣偵測 44
4.3.2鄰近邊緣點的判斷 47
4.3.3搜尋區域的決定 53
4.4路面標線偵測系統架構 56
4.5路面標線效能評估 58

第五章 前景移動車輛偵測與距離估測 59
5.1前景移動車輛研究現況 59
5.2抽取邊緣成份 61
5.2.1車輛陰影的特性 62
5.2.2輪廓邊緣 66
5.3偵測車輛可能的位置 69
5.4光學校正與距離估測 71
5.4.1幾何光學與攝影機間的探討 71
5.4.2座標轉換 75
5.4.3 校正方法 78

第六章 系統整合與實驗結果分析 82
6.1系統整合與實現 82
6.2系統操作介面介紹 85
6.3硬體規格與配置 88
6.3.1數位CCD攝影機規格 90
6.3.2影像感測器架構 91
6.3.3系統架設與配置 93
6.4系統效能評估與實驗結果 96

第七章 結論 101
7.1研究成果 101
7.2發展方向 104

參考文獻 106
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