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研究生(外文):Chien-Kuo Chang
論文名稱(外文):The implementation of PD On-line Monitoring System for Underground Cable Joint
指導教授(外文):Ruay-Nan Wu
外文關鍵詞:partial dischargecable jointon-line monitoring systeminsulation state assessment
  • 被引用被引用:32
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For the sake of maintenance for the underground cable system, it is an essential to develop an on-line monitoring system. In addition to save the manpower cost, it can effectively manage the electric insulating system of cable, so as to improve security, reliability and quality of the power system. Because the common underground cable system accidents usually results from on-site cable accessories which are assembled by the personnel, this thesis selects distribution cable joint to develop the on-line monitoring system.
This thesis establishes a simple effective and reliable on-line PD monitoring system via DSP, instead of adopting the computer-based signal processing method structure. The implementation of on-line monitoring system structure can be divided into two parts: 1) hardware: measuring unit, monitoring unit, transmit unit and PC; 2) software: signal acquiring, filtering, characteristic value, trend analysis and insulating state estimating.
This thesis utilizes a defective cable joint as an experimental object. The experimental result shows that the proposed on-line monitoring system can exclude noise from measured PD signal and offer a variety analysis data for assessing the insulation status.
摘要 I
英文摘要 II
致謝 III
目錄 IV
符號索引 VII
圖索引 VIII
表索引 XIV
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 背景與動機 1
1.2 目的與方法 4
1.3 研究步驟 5
1.4 章節簡述 7
第二章 電纜接頭與局部放電介紹 8
2.1 電纜接頭構造與設計之介紹 8
2.2 典型電纜接頭的瑕疵 10
2.3 局部放電定義與形式 11
2.4 局部放電量測方法之介紹 14
2.5 局部放電信號處理 18
第三章 線上監控系統設計 21
3.1 線上監控系統介紹 21
3.2 量測單元之信號處理 22
3.2.1 電壓訊號 23
3.2.2 局部放電訊號 25
3.3 監測單元信號處理流程之設計 26
3.3.1 類比信號處理 27
3.3.2 數位信號處理 27
第四章 硬體電路之研發 43
4.1 量測單元設計 43
4.1.1 電壓信號量測 43
4.1.2 局部放電信號量測 45
4.2 監測單元電路 51
4.3 數位信號處理器 55
4.4 硬體測試與性能評估 58
第五章 電腦端軟體之設計 70
5.1 DSK監控程式 70
5.2 資料存取程式 72
5.3 資料分析程式 74
第六章 系統試驗與數據分析 80
6.1 系統試驗架構圖 80
6.2 試驗加壓流程 81
6.3 感測單元之驗證 81
6.4 被試物的絕緣瑕疵點 82
6.5 試驗數據分析 83
第七章 結論與未來展望 92
7.1 結論 92
7.2 未來展望 92
參考文獻 94
附錄 96
作者簡介 101
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