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研究生(外文):Chien-Lun Pan
論文名稱(外文):Development of Three-Phase Induction Motor Drives with Low DC-Link Capacitance
指導教授(外文):Chung-chien Huang
外文關鍵詞:low dc-Link capacitancethree-phase induction
  • 被引用被引用:7
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本文已完成具直流鏈電壓補償之三相感應電動機的定磁通控制及間接式轉子磁場導向之轉速閉迴路控制。本系統採用德州儀器之數位信號處理器TMS320LF2407A為控制核心,三相感應電動機之轉速控制及變頻器控制皆用軟體程式完成,以減少硬體電路。本文已完成400W之三相感應電動機的調速系統,其輸入電源為三相60Hz、110V,直流鏈電容為22 ,在定轉矩區及定功率區皆能穩定運轉。
This thesis focuses on the design and implementation of a speed control system for three-phase induction motors. The full-bridge diode rectifier is used to convert the utility to dc source. The control of pulse-width modulation with compensation is completed by the feedback of dc-link voltage. It thus can not only improve the current harmonics of inverter but also reduce dc-link capacitance and volume. Besides, the speed control range of three-phase induction motor driver is investigated by detecting the minimum value of dc-link voltage to avoid torque and speed fluctuation when utility voltage varies. According to the feedback of dc-link voltage, the compensation of pulse-width modulation and field-weakening control are conducted to make the motor operate steadily in constant torque and constant horse-power regions.
In this thesis, closed-loop speed control of a three-phase induction motor with dc-link voltage compensation are given using constant flux and indirect rotor flux oriented controls. A high-performance, low-cost digital signal processor, TMS320LF2407A, is used as the control core. The control of motor and inverter is accomplished by software for cost reduction. A prototype of 400W three-phase induction motor with speed control system is developed. The input is three-phase, 60Hz and 110V.The dc-link capacitor is 22uF. The experimental data show that the motor runs smoothly as expected.
中文摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 Ⅱ
誌 謝 Ⅲ
目 錄 Ⅳ
符號索引 Ⅵ
圖表索引 XI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 系統架構 1
1.3 本文主要特色 3
1.4 本文大綱 4
第二章 全橋二極體整流器之分析及實測 5
2.1 前言 5
2.2 三相全橋型二極體整流器之分析 5
2.3 單相全橋型二極體整流器之分析 15
2.4 結語 24
第三章 三相變頻器及其脈波寬度調變控制 26
3.1 前言 26
3.2 三相變頻器之數學模式 26
3.3 三相變頻器之脈波寬度調變控制 31
3.3.1 弦式脈波寬度調變控制 31
3.3.2 電壓空間向量脈波寬度調變控制 34
3.4 具直流鏈電壓補償之三相變頻器實測 41
3.5 結語 60
第四章 具直流鏈電壓補償之三相感應電動驅動系統 61
4.1 前言 61
4.2 三相感應電動機之定磁通控制 61
4.3 三相感應電動機之間接式轉子磁場導向控制 62
4.3.1 三相感應電動機之數學模式 62
4.3.2 轉速閉迴路控制之設計 66
4.3.3 電流閉迴路控制之設計 67
4.3.4 弱磁控制 68
4.4 結語 71
第五章 實體製作及實測 72
5.1 前言 72
5.2 硬體電路 72
5.2.1 數位訊號處理器之介面電路 72
5.2.2 電流回授電路 74
5.2.3 電壓回授電路 75
5.2.4 功率級電晶體之驅動電路 77
5.3 軟體規劃 77
5.3.1 三相感應電動機轉速開迴路之定磁通控制軟體規劃 78
5.3.2 三相感應電動機間接式轉子磁場導向控制軟體規劃 80
5.4 實測 83
5.4.1 三相感應電動機轉速開迴路之定磁通控制實測 83
5.4.2 三相感應電動機間接式轉子磁場導向控制之實測 84
5.5 結語 109
第六章 結論及建議 111
6.1 結論 111
6.2 建議 111
參考文獻 113
附錄A 系統參數 116
附錄B 單相全橋二極體整流器直流鏈電壓漣波之計算 117
附錄C 單相全橋二極體整流器直流鏈電容之計算 118
作者簡介 119
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