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研究生(外文):Wen-wen Lai
論文名稱(外文):Traffic Signal Control by Defeasible Logic Inference
指導教授(外文):Sheng-Luen Chung
外文關鍵詞:defeasible logicdefeasible logic graphFSMDtraffic control
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交通號誌燈控制是裁決交通路口路權的使用,以一般十字路口為例,除了要決定由那一方向的車流使用路權之外,還要決定其持續佔用的時間。傳統號誌燈控制的方法主要是以固定時間來輪替路權的使用,其缺點是無法反應實際不同向車流的需求,致使路口使用率以及行車等待時間無法有效掌握。將路權分派塑模為資源爭奪的問題,本論文提出以權衡性邏輯為基礎的號誌燈控制方法,它能在考量燈誌切換的上下限的限制,按各奪路權車道上當時的車流量決定路權的分派,以及分派後持續佔用路權的時間。利用權衡分析圖分定系統出衝突的情況下裁決的法則,其最後的控制決策可利用附帶變數之有限狀態機模型 (FSMD) 來表示,並可當作後續直接在像FPGA等內嵌式控制平台上實現的依據。本論文就單一十字路口,以及臨近平交道旁十字路口的號誌燈控制進行分析與設計。除了搭配由Java撰寫的軟體當作模擬, 驗證出本論文所提方案優於固定時間式的交通號誌控制法則外,由權衡式邏輯所推導的號誌燈控制法則並以Verilog HDL實現在FPGA上。本論文所提以權衡式邏輯為依據的資源分派決策法則亦可推廣至一般涉及多方爭奪的資源分配問題。
Traffic signal control at traffic intersections refers to the decision of the access right to a particular lane such that no collision will occur, as well as the allocation time, which affects system utilization. Conventional approaches are dominated by fixed-time switching policy, which, albeit simple, may not yield maximal intersection utilization nor minimal waiting time for the cars queued at the intersection in that real-time traffic is not considered. Formulating the decision problem as a resource contention one, this paper proposes a traffic signal control policy which is based on a defeasible logic scheme: Traffic flows at competing lanes are compared as defeasible rules with the access right granted to the one with heavier traffic; meanwhile, definite rules such as constraint on switching time of signals are also taken into account. With the aid of defeasible graph, conflicts among competing parties are identified and arbitraged accordingly, which leads to a FMSD modeling of the final control decision. Two cases are studied thoroughly: a single intersection, and an intersection in the vicinity of a railway crossroad. Software simulation coded in Java shows that the proposed approach yields better performance over a fixed-time approach. Controllers that embed the defeasible logic rules are also implemented by Verilog HDL on a FPGA to show its ready implementation. The defeasible logic based control proposed in this paper can be also extended to general resource allocation problems when real-time information regarding competing parties are available for defeasible reasoning.
摘要 I
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 IX
第一章 簡介 - 1 -
1.1 交通號誌燈控制系統 - 1 -
1.2 文獻審閱 - 1 -
1.3 動機 - 2 -
1.4 論文貢獻與大綱 - 7 -
第2章 交通號誌燈控制系統塑模 - 10 -
2.1 權衡性邏輯 - 10 -
2.2 權衡性邏輯圖 - 12 -
2.3 FSM與FSMD - 14 -
2.4 塑模概述 - 17 -
第3章 單一十字路口的交通號誌燈控制系統塑模 - 19 -
3.1 研究背景 - 19 -
3.2 權衡性邏輯 - 21 -
3.3 權衡性邏輯圖 - 21 -
3.4 FSM與FSMD - 36 -
第4章 臨近平交道的交通號誌燈控制系統塑模 - 42 -
4.1 研究背景 - 42 -
4.1.1 研究實例 - 42 -
4.1.2 研究假設 - 44 -
4.2 權衡性邏輯 - 47 -
4.3 權衡性邏輯圖 - 48 -
4.3.1 火車未通過平交道的權衡性邏輯圖 - 48 -
4.3.2 火車通過平交道期間的權衡性邏輯圖 - 72 -
4.4 FSM與FSMD - 81 -
第5章 塑模驗證與實現 - 92 -
5.1 系統驗證 - 92 -
5.2 系統實現 - 98 -
第6章 結論與未來研究方向 - 105 -
6.1 結論 - 105 -
6.2 未來研究方向 - 106 -
附錄A 單一十字路口的程式碼 - 107 -
名詞表 - 115 -
參考文獻 - 116 -
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