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研究生(外文):Pei-ruen Chi
論文名稱(外文):Pumped-Storage Hydroplant Scheduling and Dispatching Methods under Reasonable Spinning Reserve Constraint
指導教授(外文):Nanming Chen
外文關鍵詞:Pumped-Storage HydroplantReasonable Spinning ReserveFrequency Regulating ReserveInstantaneous Reserve
  • 被引用被引用:4
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This thesis investigates the operating strategy of Taipower pumped storage plants under reasonable spinning reserve constraint. When non-pumped-storage hydroplants cannot operate under full-capacity condition due to natural disaster or limited water resource, electricity dispatchers will use Ming-Hu and Ming-Tan pumped-storage generating units as the main frequency regulating reserve (FRR) and instantaneous reserve. As a result, the strategy on how to operate pumped-storage hydroplants will have a direct effect on the operating cost and system safety.
At present, Taipower System electricity dispatchers use the load-frequency sensitivity factor (LFSF) as an index. The one-minute recovery frequency following the outage of largest on-line generator is used as a safety system constraint to check whether the FRR is sufficient or not. Normally when non-pumped-storage hydroplants do not generate enough power, electricity dispatchers often use multiple automatic generation control units as FRR during non-off-peak periods to generate power with enough spinning reserve.
This research proposes an alternative way to reduce the usage of pumped-storage units during non-off-peak periods. It is more efficient to schedule multiple pumped-storage hydroplants working spontaneously, some pump water and some others generate power. This proposed method will take into account not only system safety but also ways to reduce operation costs, to improve power quality and to decrease switchings for automatic generation control units.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
誌 謝 III
目 錄 IV
符號索引 VII
圖表目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與背景 1
1.2 本論文之貢獻 2
1.3 論文架構 3
第二章 台灣電力調度與抽蓄電廠介紹 5
2.1 台灣電力概況 5
2.2 電力調度作業流程 9
2.2.1 電力調度之任務 9
2.2.2 電力調度之先期計劃 10
2.2.3 電力調度作業 11
2.2.4 電力系統調度問題描述 12
2.3 抽蓄水力電廠介紹 15
2.3.1 抽蓄水力電廠概述 16
2.3.2 台電抽蓄電廠概況 17
2.3.3 抽蓄電廠運轉應用分析 20
第三章 台灣電力系統安全與備轉容量介紹 24
3.1 前言 24
3.2 台灣電力系統安全之概述 24
3.3 電力系統備用容量與備轉容量之概述 24
3.3.1 電力系統之備用容量 24
3.3.2 電力系統之轉動備轉容量 25
3.3.3 台灣電力系統現行備轉容量之規定 27
3.3.4 隨負載變動而調整的備轉容量訂定方式 27
3.4 本章結論 28
第四章 系統安全限制條件下台電抽蓄電廠調度模式 29
4.1 前言 29
4.2 台電系統各時段負載-頻率靈敏係數 31
4.3 系統安全限制下之合理備轉容量 34
4.4 系統安全限制下台電抽蓄電廠目前之調度模式 36
4.4.1 德基、青山分廠損壞對系統快速反應備轉容量之影響 36
4.4.2 德基、青山分廠損壞對系統品質之影響 37
4.4.3 電力系統調度人員對德基、青山分廠損壞之因應對策
4.4.4 台電抽蓄電廠目前之調度模式 39
4.5 系統安全限制下台電抽蓄電廠新調度模式 41
4.6 不同抽蓄電廠調度模式排程模擬 43
4.6.1 發電排程先期設定 43
4.6.2 不同抽蓄電廠調度方式發電排程結果成本比較 45
4.7 本章結論 50
第五章 結論與未來研究方向 51
5.1 結論 51
5.2 未來研究方向 52
參考文獻 53
作者簡介 57
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