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研究生(外文):Kuo-Tseng Chen
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Crisis Management in Chemical Factory- Case Study of A Company
指導教授(外文):Wen-Dwo Yang
外文關鍵詞:Crisis Management in Chemical Factory
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“Today, we are surrounded by a new risk and changing environment.” the professor of Boston University, O.Lerbinger, described in The Age of Crisis. Thus, the crisis awareness and crisis management are indispensable to our human society.
With the advance of chemical industries and evolving of sophisticated technology, toxic industrial chemicals (TICs) and toxic industrial materials (TIMs) are widely used in Taiwan. Owing to manufacturers lack of the ability to prevent and response an unprecedented disaster that might be caused by TICs and TIMs, chemical disasters could not be managed effectively. However, the manufacturers still employ the traditional methods “negative response to crisis” which cannot meet the need of crisis management nowadays. Because crisises are dynamic and countermeasures may become outdated, it is generally sound practice to periodically reassess threat and crisis.
In this theory, the concept of “crisis management” will be introduced into the manufacturers, the methods of practical crisis management in chemical factories will be discussed, the way of effective assessment in crisis management will be provided.
The learned cases will be laid out for crisis management by discussing with the participants, experts and incident commanders whom to performed a realistic task, so the current capabilities of the manufacturers to manage the crisis of pre-incident planning, on-scene procedures and post incident will be reviewed.
It is discovered that the way of crisis management in chemical factory just like others organization which focus on damage control. The timely crisis awareness and the lesson learned from the previous events still have big room to make efforts. The purpose of this research is to integrate the model of crisis management and to build up a suitable mechanism of crisis management for manufacturers. It is expected that chemical manufacturers can make a properly decision to assess, response, manage and recover while encountering a chemical disaster, so as to maintain and promote the effective capability of crisis management.
“Today, we are surrounded by a new risk and changing environment.” the professor of Boston University, O.Lerbinger, described in The Age of Crisis. Thus, the crisis awareness and crisis management are indispensable to our human society.
With the advance of chemical industries and evolving of sophisticated technology, toxic industrial chemicals (TICs) and toxic industrial materials (TIMs) are widely used in Taiwan. Owing to manufacturers lack of the ability to prevent and response an unprecedented disaster that might be caused by TICs and TIMs, chemical disasters could not be managed effectively. However, the manufacturers still employ the traditional methods “negative response to crisis” which cannot meet the need of crisis management nowadays. Because crisises are dynamic and countermeasures may become outdated, it is generally sound practice to periodically reassess threat and crisis.
In this theory, the concept of “crisis management” will be introduced into the manufacturers, the methods of practical crisis management in chemical factories will be discussed, the way of effective assessment in crisis management will be provided.
The learned cases will be laid out for crisis management by discussing with the participants, experts and incident commanders whom to performed a realistic task, so the current capabilities of the manufacturers to manage the crisis of pre-incident planning, on-scene procedures and post incident will be reviewed.
It is discovered that the way of crisis management in chemical factory just like others organization which focus on damage control. The timely crisis awareness and the lesson learned from the previous events still have big room to make efforts. The purpose of this research is to integrate the model of crisis management and to build up a suitable mechanism of crisis management for manufacturers. It is expected that chemical manufacturers can make a properly decision to assess, response, manage and recover while encountering a chemical disaster, so as to maintain and promote the effective capability of crisis management.
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