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研究生(外文):Shun-Fa Wu
論文名稱(外文):Performance Indicators of Project Management for Mobile Telecommunication System Implementation
指導教授(外文):Tzong-Chen Wu
外文關鍵詞:project managementperformance indicator
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•「輸入」階段指標 ─ 預算編列、人力規劃、工作計劃書、計劃書提交、材料下單、進度規劃、系統功能提供時程。

•「過程」階段指標 ─ 本期成本、成本預估、施工安全、施工檢驗、材料檢驗、溝通協調、文件管理、人力學識、網管整合、本期進度、進度預估、互網測試、元件改接、應收帳款。

•「輸出」階段指標 ─ 成本控制、合約相符、系統移交、文件移交、知識技能移交、完工準時性。

Mobile Telecommunication System is one of the most important infrastructures in Taiwan. Since 1997, the policy of Telecommunication Deregulation launched had practically motivated many operators to invest in deploying mobile networks for service delivery to subscribers. Due to subscription demands and technology emergencies, the mobile network business was going through a state of transition till now. In terms of business models, the network implementation projects are always organized as strategy plans to system vendors since the success of projects is vital to the profits and incomes. However, no evaluation schemes as monitoring tools to identify the gaps in between project milestones and expected results have become an issue to cooperate and individual managers. In order to improve the situation, this research intends to achieve by providing performance indicators of such projects by investigating mobile system implementation’s essence and procedures. Through the research, the meanings and insights of each performance indicator will be clarified in details and two practical projects of mobile system implementation will be used as evidence to verify and prove the feasibility and availability of the research results.

Twenty-seven performance indicators during Input, Process or Output phase were identified by the research for Mobile System implementation projects as below:

Performance indicators during Input Phase could be: Budget Plan, Resource Plan, Project Plan, Project Plan Issue, Material Ordering, Schedule Plan and System Features Delivery Schedule.

Performance indicators during Process Phase could be: Cost Consuming, Cost Estimation, Implementation Safety, Installation Inspection, Material Check, Communication, Documentation Management, Resource Competence, Network Integration, Progress, Progress Estimation, Interoperability Test, Network Element Re-homing and Account Receivable.

Performance indicators during Process Phase could be: Cost Control, Contractual Deliverables, System Transfer, Documentation Transfer, Knowledge and Competence Transfer, and Project Close Timely.
摘 要 .................................I
Abstract .................................II
圖目次 .................................V
表目次 .................................VI
第 一 章 緒論 ........................1
1.1 研究動機 ........................1
1.2 研究目的 ........................5
1.3 研究範圍與特徵 ...............6
1.4 研究方法 ........................8
1.5 研究步驟 ........................11
1.6 研究流程與架構 ...............12
第 二 章 文獻探討 ...............14
2.1 專案管理理論 ...............14
2.1.1 專案的特性 ...............14
2.1.2 專案管理的定義 ...............16
2.1.3 專案管理的範疇 ...............18
2.1.4 專案管理的生命週期 ...............19
2.2 專案管理系統 ...............22
2.2.1 專案管理的背景 ...............22
2.2.2 專案管理的組織 ...............23
2.2.3 專案管理的過程 ...............30
2.3 績效評估與衡量 ...............34
2.3.1 績效的概念 ...............34
2.3.2 績效評估的本質 ...............35
2.3.3 績效衡量的發展 ...............36
2.4 績效指標 ........................39
2.4.1 績效指標的衡量 ...............41
2.4.2 績效指標的類型與度量 ......41
第 三 章 個案分析 ...............43
3.1 行動通信系統之架構 ...............43
3.1.1 GSM網路架構 ...............43
3.1.2 GPRS 網路架構 ...............45
3.2 第三代行動通信系統之演進 ......46
3.2.1 Release 99 ...............49
3.2.2 UMTS R4 ........................50
3.2.3 UMTS R5 ........................51
3.3 行動通信系統建置之特性 ......51
3.3.1 無線網路建置之專案特性 ......54
3.3.2 核心網路建置之專案特性 ......55
3.4 行動通信系統建置績效指標與架構....55
3.4.1 專案績效標準形成機制 .......55
3.4.2 建立績效指標及架構 ................57
第 四 章 績效指標的內涵與使用 .......68
4.1 行動通信系統建置績效指標內容.......68
4.1.1 績效準則 ..........................68
4.1.2 輸入階段指標內容 .................68
4.1.3 過程階段指標 .................73
4.1.4 輸出階段指標 .................80
4.2 績效指標之使用 .................82
4.2.1 策略議題 ..........................82
4.2.2 指標權重 ..........................83
4.3 案例測試與評析 .................84
4.3.1 分配指標權重 .................84
4.3.2 績效評分 ..........................90
第 五 章 結論與研究建議 .................94
5.1. 結論 ..........................94
5.2 研究建議 ..........................95
參考文獻 ...................................96
一、中文部份 ..........................96
二、英文部分 ..........................98

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