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研究生(外文):Hui-ling Tsai
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Lawsuit Cost Allocation by the Application of Activity Based-Costing in Law Firm
指導教授(外文):Wen-Dwo YangJui-Chu Lin
外文關鍵詞:lawsuitlaw firmActivity-Based Costing
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Professional law service is a critical industry with extended requirement in the social-economic activities of democratic countries. However, due to the unique functions of the law firm, most of the researches of management focus on the activities of enterprises rather than general counsel. Therefore, by the case study, this research discusses the institution of indirect cost distribution on lawsuit contracts, which distributes the indirect cost by Activity-Based Costing. By this system, the costs of major activities of the civil, criminal and administrative lawsuits in the law firms will be estimated, and then, calculates the average cost of each lawsuit further. The lawyers can refer to the results of this estimation to make prices when they contract to lawsuits.
This study samples more than ten lawsuits from the case of law firm, and estimates the profit of each lawsuit by calculating the costs of major activities, so as to find the way to choose the fist-rate lawsuits for law firms. In general, most compatriots are unwilling to pay for the lawsuits according to the time that lawyers work for them. And the affirmed charge, which is adopted by most of the small and middle law firms, often makes the law firms loss in the results of the procrastination of dealing with the lawsuits that caused by the unpredictable schedule of session. Therefore, this research studies on the compromised charge mode that law firms can refer to.
This research suggests that law firms can use the system of Activity-Based Costing on the major affairs, and estimate the costs by the software of counting working time. As the Activity-Based Costing system has been lead-in, the law firms should review and update the system regularly, in order to improve the functional procedures and process. Furthermore, the law firms can draft the strategies of choosing lawsuits, customers, and pricing by dint of this system.
目 錄
摘 要 I
Abstract II
誌 謝 IV
目 錄 VI
圖目錄 X
表目錄 XI
第一章、緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究目的 2
1.3研究方法與流程 3
1.4研究限制 4
1.5論文架構 5
第二章、文獻探討 6
2.1ABC介紹 6
2.1.1傳統成本會計制度介紹 6
2.1.2傳統兩階段製造費用分攤法 7
2.1.3ABC之沿革與定義 8
2.2ABC主要的內容 9
2.2.1單構面模型 9
2.2.2雙構面模型 11
2.2.3成本歸屬觀點(cost assignment view) 12
2.2.4程序觀點(process view) 13
2.3ABC制度之適用時機以及執行、設計步驟 14
2.3.1ABC制度之適用時機與考量 14
2.3.2作業基礎成本制度之設計步驟 15
2.4作業基礎管理(ABM)介紹 22
2.4.1ABM內容介紹 22
2.4.2ABM之實行 24
第三章、產業研究 26
3.1產業介紹 26
3.1.1法律服務產業之背景研究 26
3.1.2法律服務業-法律事務所之組織 28
3.1.3法律服務業收費制度 29
3.2個案律師事務所介紹 31
3.2.1個案律師事務所簡介 31
3.2.2個案律師事務所業務範圍 32
3.2.3個案律師事務所未來發展方向 34
第四章、律師事務所之個案應用 35
4.1個案律師事務所現存制度探討 35
4.1.1個案律師事務所現有作業流程 35
4.2個案律師事務所ABC模式之建構 37
4.2.1資源費用之整理 38
4.2.2確認資源動因 39
4.2.3作業項目之確認 40
4.2.4確認作業動因 41
4.2.5確認成本標的 43
4.2.6確認成本標的與作業之動因歸屬 47
4.3個案公司訴訟案成本分析 48
4.3.1個案公司訴訟案ABC分析模式 48
4.3.2個案公司訴訟案實際案例ABC分析 48
4.3.2個案公司訴訟案實際案例獲利分析 58
第五章、結論與建議 60
5.1結論 60
5.2建議 61
參考文獻 63
一、中文部分 63
二、英文部分 65
三、網站部分 66
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