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研究生(外文):Sian Jhang Huang
論文名稱(外文):Failure Analysis of Spent fuel Zirconium Cladding during Storing
指導教授(外文):Ching-Kong Chao
外文關鍵詞:spent fuel Zirconium claddinghydridedelay hydried cracking
  • 被引用被引用:1
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經由ANSYS分析後,從三組條件之分析結果檔中找出各個模型之應力強度因子 值,並作三組條件情況下結果比較,說明用過核燃料護套在封箱期間之劣化機制現象及三組條件情況下之差異性,以建立護套之劣化機制與完整的評估數據。
This study focuses on the failure analysis of the spent fuel claddings during the stage between initial disposal and interim dry storage. For the spent fuel claddings, there are three disposals including initial disposal (cooling in sink), interim dry storage and final disposal (deep burying). But up to now, only the disposal with interim dry storage is considered in Taiwan. In general, disposing the spent fuel claddings needs three operate-day (about 72 hours) to store between initial disposal and interim dry storage.
Our purpose in the present study is to perform the degradation analysis of the spent fuel cladding in 72 hours between initial disposal and interim dry storage. A finite element software, ANSYS, is used to analyze the spent fuel claddings by considering the factors such as initial crack lengths, crack locations, hydride orientation, grow into hydride and ungrow into hydride. Beside, three different working conditions are also considered in this study including ISG-11 regulation, claddings at normal condition and claddings at accident condition.
The stress intensity factor is evaluated for these three working conditions which is used as a failure criterion in the present study. This study has established a reliable cladding integrity evaluation for the spent fuel claddings during the stage between initial disposal and interim dry storage.
第一章 緒論
1-1 前言
1-2 研究動機與目的
1-3 文獻回顧
1-4 研究方法
1-5 章節提要
第二章 理論基礎
2-1 應力強度因子
2-2 彈性材料熱應力
2-3 裂縫網格之有限元素法
第三章 有限元素分析
3-1 有限元素法
3-2 前處理
3-3 求解
3-4 後處理
第四章 分析結果與討論
4-1 封箱期間之破壞劣化分析
4-1-1 以ISG-11導則為條件之分析結果
4-1-2 以護套於正常情況為條件之分析結果
4-1-3 以護套於事故情況為條件之分析結果
4-2 ISG-11導則、護套於正常情況與事故情況之分析結果比較
第五章 結論與未來展望
5-1 結論
5-2 未來展望
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