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研究生(外文):Chia-Jung Chang
論文名稱(外文):Accelerated Oxidation of Fe-based alloys by the Mixed Air and NaCl Vapour Atomsphere
指導教授(外文):Chaur-Jeng Wang
外文關鍵詞:high temperature corrosionwhisker
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The high temperature corrosion behavior of four Fe-based commercial alloys containing SB450, 430, 304, and 310 was studied at 750℃ and 850℃ in Air-500vppm NaCl(g) atmospheres. The corrosion mechanism of the alloys was evaluated in terms of thermodynamic curves, scale morphology by SEM/EDS and OM, and EPMA analysis. The corrosion rates extremel significantly increased in air-NaCl(g) atmospheres than those in air. From the corrosion kinetics, the weight gain by oxide formation and metal loss followed the parabolic rate low. Alloys containing nickel reveal less metal loss, but the total depth of attack was similar to that of 430 alloy. In addition, as alloys oxidation at 750℃, Fe2O3 whiskers were observed on the outermost of the oxide scale. However, Fe2O3 whiskers only grew on the oxide surface of 430 steel when alloys corroded at 850℃.
摘 要
謝 誌
第一章 前言
第二章 文獻回顧
2.1 合金高溫氧化
2.2 金屬於含氯環境下之高溫腐蝕
2.2.1 鐵
2.2.2 鉻
2.2.3 鎳
2.3 合金於含氯環境下之高溫腐蝕
2.3.1 鎳鉻合金
2.3.2 鐵鉻合金
2.3.3 鐵鎳鉻合金
2.4 合金於氯化物環境中之熱腐蝕
2.5 鬚晶成長機制
第三章 實驗方法
3.1 實驗流程
3.2 試片準備
3.3 氯化鈉氣氛之高溫腐蝕實驗
3.3.1 實驗設備
3.3.2 高溫腐蝕實驗作業
3.4 分析設備與分法
3.4.1 分析設備
3.4.2 分析方法
第四章 實驗結果
4.2 X光繞射分析
4.5 EPMA元素分佈分析
第五章 討論
5.1 高溫腐蝕反應機制
5.2 鬚晶成長
第六章 結論
附錄1 X-ray繞射分析
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