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研究生(外文):Chao-chun Lin
論文名稱(外文):Image Processing Techniques for Algebra Teaching by Intelligent Robot
指導教授(外文):Chyi-Yeu Lin
外文關鍵詞:Image Processing
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This thesis proposes a system of algebra teaching and numeric image recognition, which is integrated on the DOC-2 intelligent robot. For proceeding question-and-answer algebra teaching, users communicate with the robot by adhering printed numerals or writing numerals on the whiteboard. The categories of the algebra teaching include addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, one-variable linear equation and two-variable linear equations. The whiteboard used in this thesis is the marketed whiteboard whose frame has been pre-processed. As to the numerals, they are in two forms: the magnets of numerals and the handwritten numerals. 17 signs can be recognized by these two recognition systems of numerals, including numerals 0 to 9, the operational signs, such as the plus sign(+), the subtraction sign(-), the multiplication sign(×), the division sign(÷), the equal sign(=), and two variables “a” and “b”. There are two sets of printed numerals, making the total number of numerals for determination to 34. The handwritten numerals are limited to be written by whiteboard markers in black color only. Users should define the recognition system first according to the form of the numerals; printed or hand-writing. Then through the developed recognition system, the robot can teach algebra in an interactive manner.
摘要 I
目錄 III
圖片目錄 VI
表格目錄 IX
第1章 緒論 1
1.1. 研究動機與目的 1
1.2. 相關研究回顧 1
1.2.1形狀辨識方面 2
1.2.2文字辨識 2
1.3. 論文架構 5
第2章 白板的設計與偵測 6
2.1白板的設計 6
2.2白板的偵測 7
2.2.1. 濾色(Color Filtering) 7
2.2.2. 二值化(Threshold) 9
2.2.3. 群組(Grouping) 10
2.2.4. 遮罩(Masking) 12
2.2.5. 檢查定位點(Reference Points) 13
第3章 文字的辨識 15
3.1 字體前期處理 15
3.1.1. 文字資料庫 16
3.1.2. 磁鐵式文字貼片的前期處理 17
3.1.3. 手寫文字的前處理 17
3.1.4. 轉正(Orientation) 22
3.1.5. 字體切割(Isolate Character) 23
3.1.6. 正規化(Normalization) 25
3.2 磁鐵式文字貼片辨識 25
3.3手寫文字辨識 27
3.3.1 字體特徵抽取 27
3.3.2 類神經網路簡介 31
3.3.3訓練倒傳遞類神經網路 35
3.3.4 特定文字的二次確認 37
第4章 代數式計算 41
4.1 運算的限制 41
4.2 代數式的計算 42
4.3 方程式計算 42
4.3.1 一元一次方程式 42
4.3.2 二元一次聯立方程式 42
第5章 實驗結果 44
5.1 磁鐵式貼片文字 44
5.2 手寫字體 47
5.3 手寫辨識結果比較 52
第6章 結論與未來展望 54
6.1結論 54
6.2未來展望 54
參考文獻 56
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