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研究生(外文):Cheng-chih Wu
論文名稱(外文):Analysis of Warping Behavior in Sheet Metal U-Bending Process
指導教授(外文):You-min Huang
外文關鍵詞:sheet metal formingU-bendingWarpingFEM
  • 被引用被引用:5
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本文之目的在於運用彈塑性增量理論結合有限元素法,模擬分析金屬板材之U型彎曲加工製程中所產生之翹曲現象。本文遵循Prandtl-Reuss塑流法則與von Mises之降伏條件,結合有限變形理論及updated Lagrangian formulation (ULF)之觀念建立一增量型彈塑性大變形三維有限元素分析程式。並利用以四邊形四節點之退化殼元素(degenerated shell element)所推導之形狀函數耦合入剛性矩陣中,組成三維有限元素之分析模式,並且使用廣義 法則處理金屬板材在U型彎曲加工分析中,包含元素之降伏判斷、最大容許應變增量、最大容許旋轉增量、料片與模具間節點之接觸與分離判斷等問題。
The aims of this thesis is to create an elasto-plastic incremental finite element computer code to simulate the warping behavior of the U- bending process of a sheet metal. A methodology for formulating an elasto-plastic three-dimensional finite element model, which is based on Prandtl-Reuss flow rule and von Mises yield criterion respectively, associated with an updated Lagrangian formulation, is developed to simulate sheet metal forming process. The shape function derived from a four-node quadrilateral degenerated shell element is associated into the stiffness matrix to constitute the finite element model. An extended algorithm is proposed to formulate the boundary condition, such as nodal penetration and separation, strain increment and rotation increment, and altered elasto-plastic state of material.
The whole deformation history, such as the distribution of thickness, stress and strain during the bending process was obtained. The experimental results of U-bending process were made in comparing with the simulation results. The results of both after compensation were accurate.
摘要 I
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
符號索引 VII
圖表索引 XII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 U型彎曲加工 1
1.2 文獻回顧 1
1.3 論文目的 5
1.4 論文架構 6
第二章 基本理論 7
2.1 基本假設 7
2.2 有限變形之應變與應變率 7
2.3 有限變形之應力與應力率 8
2.4 有限變形之update Lagrangian formulation 10
2.5 材料之彈塑性構成關係式 14
第三章 金屬板材有限元素分析 19
3.1 簡介 19
3.2 虛功原理的離散化 22
3.3 退化殼元素(Degenerated Shell Element) 23
3.4 不同積分法則推導退化殼元素之剛性矩陣 25
3.5 摩擦處理 27
3.6 三維曲度修正方程式 30
3.7 除荷之設定 31
3.8 靜態顯函(static explicit) 31
第四章 實驗與數值分析 36
4.1 實驗與材料參數 37
4.1.1 實驗設備與儀器 37
4.1.2 料片處理 38
4.1.3 潤滑處理 38
4.1.4 材料參數 38
4.1.5 實驗步驟 39
4.2 數值模擬分析 40
4.2.1 有限元素網格分割 40
4.2.2 摩擦係數之決定 40
4.2.3 U型彎曲製程模擬之邊界條件 41
4.3 理論值與實驗結果比較 42
4.3.1 沖頭負荷與位移關係 42
4.3.2 反作用力分佈 43
4.3.3 應力分佈 44
4.3.4 厚度分佈 45
4.3.5 翹曲現象 46
4.3.6 基本尺寸量測 46
4.4 本章之結語 47
第五章 結論 94
5.1 結論 94
5.2 未來之展望 95
參考文獻 97
作者簡介 101
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