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研究生(外文):Kuan-liang Liu
論文名稱(外文):The study of the film structure of Au(Be)/AlGaAs(100) wafer
指導教授(外文):Wei-chun Cheng
外文關鍵詞:FilmAlGaAsOhmic contactLED
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高解析度電子顯微鏡分析於傳統管狀爐520℃熱處理及快速升降溫爐500℃熱處理試片,計算砷化鋁鎵基材的晶格常數於(111)的平面方向為5.63Å,鈹砷化合物(BeAsx)的晶格常數為5.34 Å的結果與分析式電子顯微鏡擇區繞射影像、JCPDS卡資料相符,驗證其實驗結果的正確性。分析式電子顯微鏡詳細的分析鈹砷化合物及高溫金鈹相之擇區繞射影像,經由不同晶帶軸方向來證明與砷化鋁鎵基材有相對應的(200)方向關係。
The object of this thesis was to study the metallization layers of AuBe alloy on P-type AlGaAs(100) wafers. The Au/AuBe/Au layers were deposited onto the AlGaAs wafers by a thermal evaporation method. After the evaporation process the AlGaAs wafers were annealed in either traditional tube furnace or rapid thermal annealing (RTA) furnace for the alloying processes.
The XRD analysis in the Au/AuBe/Au layers on the AlGaAs wafers indicated that the metal layers are mixed with Au and Au3Be phases in the as-deposited condition. In the traditional annealing process at 520 oC and RTA processes at 450 oC and 500 oC find new compound which is BeAs and AuBe phase in high temperature.
In the HRTEM analyse in the traditional annealing process at 520 oC and RTA 500 oC, it calculate AlGaAs lattic constant is 5.63 Å and BeAs compound lattic constant is 5.34 Å on (111) level direction, Compare with JCPDS card and verify the exactness of its experimental result is the same.
In the TEM study we found that the microstructure mophologies in BeAs and AuBe structure diffraction imaging in different direction, Identification and AlGaAs sill have corresponding (200) direction relations.
For I-V curve tests, the corresponding voltages at constant applied current for the wafers annealed in the rapid thermal processes at 400 oC、450 oC and 500 oC and are annealed in the traditional tube furnace at 485 oC and 520 oC slightly lower value that is from 1.33 V to 1.37 V, while the corresponding voltages are extremely high for the wafers annealed in RTA at 300 oC and 350 oC.
第一章 前言
第二章 文獻回顧
2.1 電子轉移機制
2.2 LEDs的注入機制
2.3 歐姆接觸與蕭基接觸
2.4 快速加熱製程
2.5 金與Ⅲ-Ⅴ族半導體系統
第三章 實驗設備與原理
3.1 高溫蒸鍍系統
3.2 維明LED-628點測機
3.3 X光繞射分析儀
3.4 歐傑電子能譜儀
3.5 穿透式電子顯微鏡
第四章 實驗步驟
4.1 薄膜蒸鍍
4.2 熱處理方式
4.3 維明LED-628點測機量測
4.4 X光繞射儀分析
4.5 歐傑電子能譜儀
4.6 穿透式電子顯微鏡分析
第五章 結果與討論
5.1 剛沉積
5.2 快速升降溫300℃熱處理
5.3 快速升降溫350℃熱處理
5.4 快速升降溫400℃熱處理
5.5 快速升降溫450℃熱處理
5.6 快速升降溫500℃熱處理
5.7 傳統爐管485℃熱處理
5.8 傳統爐管520℃熱處理
5.9 電性量測
5.10 綜合討論
第六章 結論
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