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論文名稱(外文):KM-Oriented BPR for Engineering Consulting Firm
指導教授(外文):Min-Yuan Cheng
外文關鍵詞:Business Process Reengineering(BPR)Knowledge Management(KM)Single Loop LearningDouble Loop LearningEngineering Consultant
  • 被引用被引用:27
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Traditionally, Information Technology (IT) invokes BPR, which improves performance for high complex business process. However, special characteristics of engineering consulting firm’s process are weakly structure and high complication because design of construction engineering is attributed to large size, complex interface, long life cycle and high experience.This study combines two major streams of business research which are Business Process Reengineering (BPR) and Knowledge Management (KM) and shows how they can complement each other.
This study emphasizes the premise that changing business processes amounts to manipulating the process knowledge. This research proceeds to model business process by modified Architecture of Integrated Information Systems (ARIS) tools and Unified Modeling Language (UML). Further, it develops a process analysis framework in BPR model based on single-loop learning and double-loop learning concepts from KM theory for improving knowledge-intensive processes in engineering consulting firm. Some procedures and methods are established in this model for analyzing process, redesigning process, and issuing knowledge management policy.
The achievements of this study can be used to aid the execution of BPR or KM in engineering consulting firm. The major contributions of this paper include: (1) construction of a KM-oriented BPR model, integrating the philosophies and methods of BPR and KM; (2) originally using knowledge, role, activity, and integration views to present a process model; (3) originally using single loop and double loop learnings of KM theory to analyze a business process; and (4) conducting a case study on “engineering cost estimating process” to prove the usability of the KM-oriented BPR model.
第一章 緒 論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究範圍 2
1.4 研究內容 3
1.5 研究步驟 4
1.6 論文架構 6
第二章 文獻回顧 7
2.1 企業流程再造 7
2.1.1 流程再造的定義 7
2.1.2 流程再造之實施方式 9
2.1.3 營建業管理流程再造模式 12
2.1.4 ARIS流程塑模概念 15
2.1.5 UML統一模式語言 18
2.2 知識管理 22
2.2.1 知識的定義 22
2.2.2 知識的種類 22
2.2.3 知識管理的定義 23
2.2.4 知識管理的導入模式 25
2.3 企業流程與知識管理整合模式 27
2.3.1 企業環境與知識管理 27
2.3.2 企業流程之知識流分析 30
2.3.3 流程導向化知識管理建置藍圖 32
第三章 知識管理導向企業流程再造模式的觀念與架構 34
3.1 建構再造模式之基礎觀念 34
3.1.1 知識管理於企業流程中角色扮演的演變 34
3.1.2 知識管理之學習迴路概念 36
3.1.3 知識生命週期的概念 39
3.2 再造模式之整體架構說明 41
3.3 企業流程模型的詮釋模型 44
第四章 知識管理導向企業流程再造模式的實施與應用 46
4.1 案例介紹 46
4.2 流程重現 49
4.2.1 尋找流程相關知識項目與作業項目 49
4.2.2 建立流程知識項目與作業項目關係矩陣 50
4.2.3 採用M-ARIS四大觀點建立流程模型 54
4.3 流程評估 63
4.3.1 確立流程目標要素 63
4.3.2 評估流程目標要素重要性 66
4.3.3 評估流程目標達成度 67
4.4 流程效能缺口分析 72
4.4.1 評核作業項目之知識需求強度 73
4.4.2 建立流程作業項目與知識項目關係矩陣 75
4.4.3 計算知識項目對流程目標要素貢獻度 76
4.5 流程服務缺口分析 86
4.5.1 確認流程服務缺口之問題標的 86
4.5.2 檢討流程問題標的知識生命週期 87
4.6 流程設計 91
4.6.1 確立流程再造原則 91
4.6.2 建立新流程並塑模 92
4.6.3 建立知識管理配套措施 100
4.7 流程檢核 103
4.7.1 評估新流程目標達成度 103
4.7.2 分析流程成本結構 105
4.7.3 評估流程改善效果 107
第五章 結論與建議 109
5.1 結論 109
5.2 建議 109
參考文獻 111
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