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研究生(外文):Yung-sheng Lin
論文名稱(外文):The Influence of Confinement and Wedge Angle on Rock Indentation Fracture and the Relevant Evolution of Acoustic Emission
指導教授(外文):Yao-Chung Chen
外文關鍵詞:Crack Mouth Opening Displacement (CMOD)micro-seismiclocationslocalization.lateral confinementAcoustic Emission (AE)Indentationwedge angle
  • 被引用被引用:26
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現今台灣隧道工程採用全斷面機械式機具進行開挖之案例日增,對於隧道施工鑽掘之安全與效率倍受重視。本研究以接觸破壞理論分析單一機械刀口與岩材承受貫壓之互制力學行為,乃至破壞之演化機理,並藉由建置具圍壓系統之貫切破壞實驗儀器設備,採用水泥砂漿及大理岩供作試驗材料,結合非破壞檢測之聲射(acoustic emission, AE)技術,探求微觀尺度之微震裂源定位,並與巨觀尺度下主要之裂縫初裂及延伸作比較研析。依宏觀及微觀之裂縫發展及其相關之力學行為,以側向圍壓與刀楔角度為試驗變數,資以探討大地應力及機械鑽刀對於貫切破壞行為之影響。
本研究之正向貫切試驗採用單一尖狀(tip with no wear flat)之楔形刀口進行貫壓,於無圍壓條件下以裂縫開口位移(crack mouth opening displacement, CMOD)控制;而有側向圍壓條件下,改用衝程控制,使兩者在破壞後不致於失穩開裂,以求取尖峰強度前後之完整加載歷程。
Nowadays, for tunnel construction in Taiwan, the full-faced mechanical boring method is used more frequently due to the consideration on safety and efficiency. The objective of this research is to investigate the effects of in-situ stresses, which are simulated by different lateral confinement, and wedge angle on single-indentor cutting mechanism. By attempting to depict how a single indentation works, and to understand its principle of fracture progress over micro view, nondestructive technique of Acoustic Emission (AE) was used to monitor during indentation test. To set up a stable fracturing process, crack mouth opening displacement (CMOD) control was adopted in the case of free lateral confinement, and stroke control was used with confinement. Meanwhile, the wedge indentor tip with no wear flat was used to conduct a series of fracture experiments to detect the relation between micro-seismic locations and macro-fracture development.
For the influence of confinement on the indentation tests, results show that both the maximum indentation force and its corresponding penetration depth increase with increasing lateral confining stress, because of the tendency of ductile development. However, confining effect on the magnitude of indentation pressure is insignificant because of the concept of self-similarity. In unconfined case, the position of initial tensile crack occurs right underneath the indentor and propagates along symmetric vertical axis. On the other hand, tensile crack may or may not occur under confinement. Moreover, if fracture is possible to take place in the case of confinement, the tensile crack still originates on the critical elasto-plastic interface but not right underneath the indentor, and its propagation diverts significantly from vertical axis even just applies a small relative confinement (Ψ=0.1). Furthermore, experiments show that the radius of the elasto-plastic interfacial enlarges as adding lateral confinement.
With larger wedge angle, the maximum indentation force would increase, but the indentation pressure and the critical indentation depth would decrease. On the other hand, the direction of crack propagation did not change much with various wedge angles. Furthermore, the localization would occur earlier and the plastic zone interface would decrease with larger wedge angle.
At last, this research also demonstrated that the experimental results of the indentation pressure and plastic zone interface compared quite well with the formula of cavity expansion model.
論文摘要 I
英文摘要 III
致謝 V
目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 IX
符號對照表 XII

第一章、緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究目的 1
1.3研究範圍與方法 2
1.4論文內容 3
第二章、文獻回顧 6
2.1破壞模擬—貫切試驗之發展 6
2.2貫切試驗相關理論 10
2.2.1 孔洞擴展模式(Cavity Expansion Model, CEM) 10
2.2.2線彈性破壞力學之破裂模式 14
(Linear Elastic Fracture Model, LEFM) 14
2.3非破壞檢測—聲射技術之發展 17
2.4聲射技術相關理論 19
2.4.1聲射基本原理 19
2.4.2聲射定位法則 21
第三章、試驗架構 29
3.1試驗材料 30
3.2試驗儀器 32
3.2.1破壞試驗部分:平面問題之貫切暨側向圍壓系統 32
3.2.2非破壞檢測部分:聲射訊號接收系統 34
3.3試驗方法 37
3.3.1試驗前之校正試驗 37
3.3.2無側圍壓之貫切試驗 42
3.3.3側向圍壓施加之貫切試驗 46
第四章 試驗結果與分析 66
4.1 試驗參數說明 67
4.2 側向圍壓之影響 71
4.2.1 完整之F-d加載歷程與巨觀破壞模式 71
4.2.2 加載歷程與微裂縫發展之關係 72
4.2.3 貫切區域形成彈-塑性界面發展之探討 75
4.3 刀楔角度之影響 79
4.3.1 完整之F-d加載歷程與巨觀破壞模式 79
4.3.2 加載歷程與微裂縫發展之關係 80
4.3.3 貫切區域形成彈-塑性界面發展之探討 81
4.4 實驗值與理論解之比對 82
第五章 結論與建議 102
5.1結論 102
5.1.1側向圍壓之影響 102
5.1.2刀楔角度之影響 104
5.1.3實驗值與理論值之比對 105
5.2建議 105
5.2.1破壞模擬—貫切試驗之建議 105
5.2.2非破壞檢測—聲射技術之建議 106
參考文獻 107
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