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研究生(外文):Chuan-Feng Yeh
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Relationship Between Interface Layout and Effects of User Response
指導教授(外文):Chun-Wang Sun
外文關鍵詞:Human Computer InterfaceAttentionVisual SearchFirst-Person View
  • 被引用被引用:8
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使用者與數位產品間皆須透過一個媒介來溝通,此媒介便是人機介面(human computer interface),做為溝通橋樑的人機介面得有效率地整合數位產品的資訊,並用最佳且最有效率的呈現方式傳達給使用者。在以2D形式所呈現之3D的虛擬場景中,人們難以判斷物體間的相對關係,包括物體間距離遠近與物體大小形狀上的差別,所以容易產生迷失感覺。尤其當畫面以第一人稱視角進行時,使用者喪失方向感的情形越嚴重,因此系統透過介面傳達給使用者的資訊變得相當重要。本研究針對動態3D環境中,螢幕所配置之資訊介面與使用者間的認知過程做深入地探討,實作出以全3D建模架設的整個虛擬場景,並使用第一人稱的視角來進行汽車駕駛情境的模擬,從使用者對螢幕所顯示資訊的注意力與視覺搜尋歷程,進一步探討螢幕介面資訊的配置對使用者反應績效之影響。
Users and digital products must communicate through a medium, and this is referred to as the Human Computer Interface (HCI). As the intermediary link, the HCI must be able to effectively integrate the information coming from the digital product then present it to the user in the most effective and optimal manner. In a virtual 3D environment presented in 2D, it is difficult for people to judge the relative position of objects to each other, including the distance between them or their difference in actual size. This can easily lead to disorientation. This problem of disorientation becomes particularly acute when the screen is presented in a first person view. In such a situation, the data conveyed to the user through the HCI becomes particularly important. In this study, an in-depth examination of the display data interface versus the user’s perception within a dynamic 3D environment was carried out. A fully 3D model was used to create a complete virtual environment in which a car driving simulation was operated using a first person view. The layout of the data interface on the monitor could then be evaluated based on the user’s attention and visual search pattern for the data displayed on the screen.
The conclusions can be summarized as follows: In this study, the display interface data was allocated to a part of the display which was divided into 9 squares arranged in a 3x3 format, these being upper left, upper center, upper right, center left, center, center right, lower left, lower center and lower right. In phase one of the experiment, results indicated that the test subject’s driving experience had a significant effect on how quickly they accomplished the test objective. When the display data was located in the center left and lower center squares, the subject’s reaction times were better. When the display data was located in the lower left squares, the subject’s reaction times were the worst. In the second phase of the experiment results showed that extra attention did not necessarily mean improved reaction times. This was mainly due to the fact that the further the presented data was away from the visual center point the more time the test subject had to spend looking for that data. This meant that the closer to the visual center the data was the easier it was to read. The sole exception here was when the map display was placed in the middle. Since it dominated the main visual area, it seriously affected the test subject’s ability to observe the road conditions and made them more reliant on the cues given by the map display. This meant that the range of their visual search was limited to the map display itself.

1.1 研究背景與動機--------------------------------------------------------------1
1.2 研究目的--------------------------------------------------------------------2
1.2.1 動態3D環境中,螢幕介面資訊的配置對使用者反應績效之影響--------------------2
1.2.2 動態3D環境中,使用者對螢幕所顯示資訊的注意力與視覺搜尋歷程----------------2

2.1 動態3D環境------------------------------------------------------------------3
2.2 尋路行為--------------------------------------------------------------------3
2.3 3D環境中的視角--------------------------------------------------------------5
2.4 注意力----------------------------------------------------------------------7
2.5 人類資訊處理過程------------------------------------------------------------8
2.6 動態圖像與視覺搜尋----------------------------------------------------------9
2.7 眼球運動參數---------------------------------------------------------------10
2.8 凝視資料-------------------------------------------------------------------13
2.9 眼球追蹤儀器---------------------------------------------------------------16
2.10 視覺搜尋與注意力----------------------------------------------------------16
2.11 眼球運動與注意力----------------------------------------------------------17

3.1 研究方法-------------------------------------------------------------------19
3.2 研究流程與步驟-------------------------------------------------------------21

4.1 觀察市面上駕駛類型遊戲的介面設計-------------------------------------------22
4.1.1 蒐集市面上駕駛類型遊戲---------------------------------------------------22
4.1.2 觀察結果-----------------------------------------------------------------24
4.2 第一階段實驗設計-----------------------------------------------------------25
4.2.1 實驗目的-----------------------------------------------------------------25
4.2.2 實驗變數-----------------------------------------------------------------25
4.2.3 實驗受測者---------------------------------------------------------------26
4.2.4 實驗軟體設計-------------------------------------------------------------26
4.2.5 實驗設備-----------------------------------------------------------------30
4.2.6 實驗任務與步驟-----------------------------------------------------------31
4.2.7 實驗結果記錄-------------------------------------------------------------33
4.3 第一階段實驗結果與分析-----------------------------------------------------33
4.3.1 平均時間差異-------------------------------------------------------------36
4.3.2 分段平均時間差異---------------------------------------------------------37

5.1 第二階段實驗設計-----------------------------------------------------------47
5.1.1 實驗目的-----------------------------------------------------------------47
5.1.2 實驗變數-----------------------------------------------------------------47
5.1.3 實驗受測者---------------------------------------------------------------48
5.1.4 實驗軟體設計-------------------------------------------------------------48
5.1.5 實驗設備-----------------------------------------------------------------48
5.1.6 實驗任務與步驟-----------------------------------------------------------50
5.1.7 主觀問卷評量-------------------------------------------------------------51
5.1.8 實驗結果紀錄-------------------------------------------------------------51
5.2 第二階段實驗結果分析-------------------------------------------------------52
5.2.3 主觀問卷分析-------------------------------------------------------------56
5.3 實驗結果小結---------------------------------------------------------------59

6.1 結論-----------------------------------------------------------------------61
6.1.1 動態3D環境中,螢幕介面資訊的配置對使用者反應績效之影響-------------------61
6.1.2 動態3D環境中,使用者對螢幕所顯示資訊的注意力與視覺搜尋歷程---------------61
6.2 建議-----------------------------------------------------------------------62


附錄一 實驗任務說明------------------------------------------------------------67
附錄二 NASA-TLX主觀問卷--------------------------------------------------------69
A. 第四區段主觀問卷------------------------------------------------------------69
B. 第七區段主觀問卷------------------------------------------------------------71
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