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研究生(外文):Chia-hua Liu
論文名稱(外文):Some Characterization Results Based on Certain Conditional Expectations
指導教授(外文):Wen-Jang Huang
外文關鍵詞:Beta distributioncharacterizationconstant regressionconditional expectationgamma distributionmixture distributions
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給定$X$,$Y$為二獨立且非退化的隨機變數,Lukacs (1995) 證明 $X/(X+Y)$ 和 $X+Y$ 獨立,若且唯若 $X$,$Y$ 均有 gamma 分佈,且有相同的尺度參數。
本文中,在 $X/U$ 和 $U$ 獨立且 $X/U$ 為 ${\mathcal Be}(p,q)$ 分佈的假設之下,我們利用 $E(h(U,X)|X)\\=b$ 的條件來刻劃 $(U,X)$ 的分佈。其中,$h$ 被允許為 $U-X$ 的指數函數或是 $U-X$ 的三角函數。我們的結果之一是: 假如 $q=1$,且對於某一正整數 $n$,$E(\sum_{i=1}^n e^{i(U-X)}|X)=b$,其中 $b$ 為一常數,則 $(U,X)$ 的分佈可以決定。一些相關的其他結果也將被提出。
Given two independent non-degenerate positive random variables $X$ and $Y$, Lukacs (1955) proved that $X/(X+Y)$ and $X+Y$ are independent if and only if $X$ and $Y$ are gamma distributed with the same scale parameter.
In this work, under the assumption $X/U$ and $U$ are independent, and $X/U$ has a ${\mathcal Be}(p,q)$ distribution, we characterize the distribution of $(U,X)$ by the condition $E(h(U,X)|X)=b$, where $h$ is allowed to be an exponential function or trigonometric function of $U-X$. Among others, we prove if $q=1$, and for some positive integer $n$, $E(\sum_{i=1}^n e^{i(U-X)}|X)=b$, where $b$ is a constant, then the distribution of $(U,X)$ can be determined. Some other related results are also presented.
中文摘要 .......................... ii
英文摘要 ......................... iii
1. Introduction .................... 1
2. Preliminaries ................... 2
3. Main results .................... 3
4. Conclusion ..................... 16
References ........................ 17
小傳 .............................. 18
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3. Chou, C.W. and Huang, W.J. (2003). Characterizations of the gamma distribution via conditional moments. Sankhya 65, 271-283.
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8. Huang, W.J. and Chou, C.W. (2004). Characterizations of the gamma distribution via conditional expectations. Technical Report, Department of Applied Mathematics, National Kaohsiung University.
9. Huang, W.J. and Su, J.C. (1997). On a study of renewal process connected with certain conditional moments. Sankhya A 59, 28-41.
10. Huang, W.J. and Wong, H.L. (1998). On a study of beta and geometric mixtures by conditional moments. Technical Report, Department of Applied Mathematics, National Sun Yat-sen University.
11. Li, S.H., Huang, W.J. and Huang, M.N.L. (1994). Characterizations of the Poisson process as a renewal process via two conditional moments. Ann. Inst. Stat. Math. 46, 351-360.
12. Lukacs, E. (1955). A characterization of the gamma distribution. Ann. Math. Stat. 26, 319-324.
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