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研究生(外文):Chung-li Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Two-Stage Designs for Phase II Clinical Trials
指導教授(外文):Kam-fai Wong
外文關鍵詞:clinical trialsphase II trialstwo-stage
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二階段設計在新藥的研究中扮演很重要的角色。當給定$(p_0,p_1,\alpha,\beta)$,存在一集合$$S=\{(r_1,n_1,r_2,n_2)|r_1 \leq n_1,r_2 \leq n_2,n_1\in\mathds{N},(r_1,r_2,n_2) \in \mathds{N} \cup \{ 0\}\},$$其中$S$包含所有滿足設定的型I及型II錯誤機率之二階段設計。而每一個二階段設計都對應三個統計量,分別是期望樣本個數$\mbox{EN}(p)$、實驗停在第一階段的機率$\mbox{PET}(p)$以及總樣本數$n=n_1+n_2$。基於上述三個統計量,不同的準則,可得到相對應的最佳二階段設計。Simon在1989年提出了二準則optimal和\lq\lq minimax\rq\rq。Optimal二階段設計是基於$\mbox{EN}(p_0)$得到,而minimax二階段設計則是考慮$n$和$\mbox{EN}(p_0)$,其中$p_0$是一個給定的成功機率。本論文在幾個常見的準則下搜尋其所對應的最佳二階段設計,並進一步探討其優缺點。
Two-stage designs play an important role in the study of new drugs especially toxicity is the endpoint of interest. Given $(p_0,p_1,\alpha,\beta)$, there exists a set $$S=\{(r_1,n_1,r_2,n_2)|r_1 \leq n_1,r_2 \leq n_2,n_1\in\mathds{N},(r_1,r_2,n_2) \in \mathds{N} \cup \{ 0\}\}$$ including all the probable two-stage designs which are satisfied with the two probabilities of error $(\alpha,\beta)$. Every two-stage designs lead to give an expected sample size EN$(p)$, a probability of early termination PET$(p)$, and a total sample size $n=n_1+n_2$. A suggested design can be searched from $S$ once a criterion is given based on EN$(p)$, PET$(p)$, $n$. Optimal and \lq\lq minimax\rq\rq two-stage designs have been discussed in the literature (Simon, 1989). The optimal designs are based on EN$(p_0)$, and the minimax can be considered for $n$ and EN$(p_0)$ where $p_0$ is a given success probability. We find different designs under distinct criteria and these designs give us dissimilar advantage. Several designs under distinct criteria are tabulated for our interested parameters.
List of Figures ii
List of Tables iii
中文摘要 iv
英文摘要 v
1 Introduction 1
2 Single-Stage Designs 4
3 Two-Stage Designs 6
3.1 Optimal Two-Stage Designs…………………………………………………………..9
3.2 \lq\lq Minimax\rq\rq Two-Stage Designs.......……………………………………….10
3.3 Two-Stage Designs of minimizing $\{(\mbox{EN}(p_0)+\mbox{EN}(p_1))/2\}$ ..11
3.4 Two-Stage Designs of minimizing the maximum of $\mbox{EN}(p_0)$ and
3.5 Compare with Above Criteria………………………………………………………13
3.6 Control $\mbox{PET}(p_0)\geq 0.80$…………………………………………16
4 Algorithm 19
5 Discussion 23
References 26
A Appendix: Single-Stage Designs 28
B Appendix: Two-Stage Designs with $p_1-p_0=0.20$ 30
C Appendix: Two-Stage Designs with $p_1-p_0=0.20$ 39
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