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研究生(外文):Jian-cheng Lu
論文名稱(外文):An Empirical Study of Corporate Social Responsibility on Information Technology Industry in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Hsing-tzu Lin
外文關鍵詞:corporate social responsibilityorganizational learningorganizational performancetaiwan information technology industry
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While the World Business Council for Sustainable Development has described Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as the business contribution to sustainable economic development in the 21st century. One of the prerequisites to achieving sustainable development is by earnestly carrying out the CSR; however, it is that the CSR nowadays seems still an evolving concept and currently does not be universally accepted by businesses.
In this study, an empirical survey of CSR is conducted on Information Technology Industry in Taiwan, a three-perspective analysis are investigated to understand the CSR perceptions among the managers (ideological level), the publics (societal level), and the execution (operational level). Further, this study also explores the relationships among the perception of discretionary corporate social responsibility, organizational learning and organizational performance.
The results show that discretionary corporate social responsibility positively influences on the learning commitment and shared vision, which further influence on organizational performance. As for the results of the CSR survey, in the ideological level, "corporate social responsibility policy & performance management" are viewed the most critical issue by managers. In the operational level, over fifty-percent of the investigated companies have implemented the "labor health and safety", "environmental policy & performance management", "consumer protection", "supplier relations", and "taxation". And in the societal level, "labor health and safety" is viewed the most important issue by the publics. Finally, the result also shows that most of the investigated companies are in the defensive stage, the early stage of CSR. Based on the research findings, conclusions and implications are discussed.
第四節、前導研究(Pilot Study)......52
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