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研究生(外文):Chun-Hsing Lin
論文名稱(外文):Thermal stability of Zn-doped ITO films prepared by rf magnetron cosputtering system
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本研究利用射頻磁控共濺鍍系統,同時濺鍍氧化銦錫及氧化鋅靶材,在室溫環境下製備具有不同鋅原子比例(Zn / (Zn+In) at.%)之氧化銦鋅透明導電薄膜,分別在還原氣體(95 % Ar + 5 % H2)、氧氣及大氣環境下進行熱處理製程,觀察薄膜結晶性及電特性變化。研究結果顯示經由熱處理的氧化銦鋅薄膜,電特性與薄膜中鋅原子含量息息相關,在還原氣體環境下熱處理溫度達到700℃時,含量較低之氧化銦鋅薄膜,其電阻率有明顯上升的趨勢。根據x光繞射圖譜量測結果顯示,造成薄膜導電率急遽下降的原因係由於熱處理過程中,氧化銦鋅薄膜中形成過多的氧缺位而產生金屬銦的結晶相,進而劣化了透明導電薄膜的導電性以及可見光穿透率。而在氧氣及空氣環境下熱處理的氧化銦鋅薄膜,電阻率隨著熱處理溫度的升高而上升,這是由於鋅原子具有較低的氧化位能,使得鋅原子會捕捉熱處理環境中的氧原子,所以在具有氧氣成分環境進行熱處理,鋅原子會補捉製程中的氧原子,而抑制氧缺位的形成,使得薄膜電阻率上升,由載子濃度的量測結果亦顯示,經由氧氣及大氣下熱處理的氧化銦鋅薄膜,濃度皆有下降的趨勢。
Indium zinc oxide (IZO) thin films at various atomic ratios [Zn / (Zn + In) at.%] were prepared by rf cosputtering system at room temperature using indium tin oxide (ITO) and zinc oxide (ZnO) targets. The thermal stability of ITO and cosputtered films annealed under reducing atmosphere (forming gas 95% Ar + 5% H2) oxygen, and atmosphere ambient were investigated. The film resistivity of ITO and IZO films at lower atomic ratios was drastically increased at an annealing temperature of 700℃. The appearance of the metal-like In phase was responsible for the significantly increase in the film resistivity. In contrast, the film resistivity of IZO films at higher atomic ratios was stable at elevated annealing temperatures. The related thermal stability was attributed to the crystallization of ZnkIn2O3+k compounds and sequentially suppressed the formation of the metal-like In phase. The thermal degradation mechanism of IZO films annealed under oxygen and atmosphere ambient was concluded to be the oxygen atoms attracted by zinc atoms due to their higher oxidation potential.
目 錄
目錄 ................................................. Ⅳ
表目錄................................................ Ⅵ
第一章 諸論............................................1
1-1 文獻回顧...........................................1
1-2 研究動機...........................................3
第二章 理論基礎........................................5
2-1 電漿理論...........................................5
2-2 濺鍍原理...........................................6
2-3 薄膜成核理論.......................................7
2-4 氧化銦錫薄膜.......................................9
2-5 氧化鋅薄膜.........................................10
2-6 熱處理機制.........................................11
第三章 實驗方法與步驟..................................12
3-1 實驗流程...........................................12
3-2 實驗系統說明.......................................13
3-3 鍍膜參數及步驟.....................................15
3-4 薄膜特性量測與分析.................................17
第四章 結果與討論......................................20
4-1 電特性分析.........................................21
4-1-1 室溫下薄膜電特性比較.............................21
4-1-2 在還原氣體環境下熱處理對薄膜電阻率的影響.........22
4-1-3 氧氣及大氣環境熱處理對薄膜電阻率的影響.....26
4-2 光學特性分析.......................................28
4-2-1 可見光及紫外光波段穿透率量測.....................28
4-2-2 光學能隙計算.....................................30
4-3 材料特性分析....................................32
4-3-1 室溫下薄膜結晶性分析.............................32
4-3-2 還原氣體環境下熱處理的對薄膜結晶性之影響.........33
4-3-3 氧氧及大氣熱處理環境下對薄膜結晶性之影響...35
4-3-4 X 光光電子能譜儀量測結果........................37
第五章 結論............................................40
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