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研究生(外文):Po-Wen Lee
論文名稱(外文):An enhancement method of n-type porous silicon fabrication by Hall effect
指導教授(外文):Jia-Chuan Lin
外文關鍵詞:PorousHall effectN-type silicon
  • 被引用被引用:2
  • 點閱點閱:263
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In this thesis, the researches focus on the study of the difficult etched porous silicon. Porous has been extensive researched, but the majority study is based on the P-type silicon only, the main reason is that the N-type silicon has less electric holes than the P-type silicon. Therefore, the N-type silicon is more difficult to be etched.
The thesis emphasized the used of Hall-effect theory to strengthen the etching of N-type silicon. In order to carry out Hall-effect, the first thing is to design a new tank that can etch trough to oxidizing. This is to make N-type silicon etched at upper and lower electric fields that can exert direction electric current I of X in step, and magnetic field B of Z direction, then let the electron of N-type silicon assemble to the base plate. Then to make the surface layer change into the P-type and carry on the etching of the porous silicon instead.
Finally, by changing the size of magnetic field, the irregular pores and pillars occur on the surface of the N-type silicon. Therefore, the pores and the pillars can be controlled.
第一章 緒論-----------------------------------------------1
第二章 理論機制-------------------------------------------2
2-1 多孔矽成形反應與機制----------------------------------2
2-1-1 多孔矽的電流-電壓曲線-------------------------------3
2-1-2 表面電化學溶解過程----------------------------------5
2-1-3 多孔矽表面電化學溶解理論分析------------------------8
2-1-4 多孔矽形成模型--------------------------------------11
2-2 多孔矽的發光機制--------------------------------------17
2-2-1 表面的分子形式--------------------------------------17
2-2-2 多孔矽的氫化----------------------------------------17
2-2-3 量子侷限效應----------------------------------------18
2-3 霍爾效應理論------------------------------------------19
第三章 實驗方法與步驟-------------------------------------23
3-1 試片前置處理------------------------------------------23
3-2 蝕刻槽的製備------------------------------------------25
3-3 測量儀器介紹------------------------------------------30
3-3-1 光致發光光譜分析儀(PL spectrum)-------------------30
3-3-2 掃瞄式電子顯微鏡(Scanning Elector Microscope)-----32
3-3-3 紅外線光譜儀(Fourier Transform Infraced RBS)------34
3-3-4 能量分散光譜儀(EDS)-------------------------------35
第四章 N-type多孔矽材料的蝕刻分析-------------------------36
4-1 垂直電場蝕刻法----------------------------------------36
4-2 垂直電場加霍爾效應蝕刻法------------------------------42
4-3 霍爾效應蝕刻法----------------------------------------60
4-4 垂直電場加照光蝕刻法與霍爾效應蝕刻法之比較------------84
4-5 磁場蝕刻法--------------------------------------------86
4-6 垂直電場加照光蝕刻法----------------------------------88
4-7 照光蝕刻法.-------------------------------------------91
4-8 垂直電場加霍爾效應與霍爾效應蝕刻法之分析--------------94
第五章 結論與未來展望-------------------------------------100
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