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研究生(外文):Lai Pei Shuang
論文名稱(外文):The Research on the Development Control in Houston,U.S.A.
外文關鍵詞:development controlnon-zoning/without zoningzoning
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Houston is the only not implement land utilization in the assigning to area and control city of U.S.A., this research is found after controlling the way and present situation with land utilization understanding the background controlled in its land utilization dividing area in depth, control the reform roar that the way has also appeared gradually in seemingly special land utilization, seem to be Houston city in good order on earth, what kind of problem they face, why begin to ponder over the possibility of the plan under free market operation. And Taiwan wants to move towards developing and permitting making at present, thinks that controls the transition of the market mechanism of the orientation from the government, so expect to have such thinking of a plan to offer a new thinking direction of strength of orientation market in the future to Taiwan in Houston. This research will be analysed from the transitions of Houston and Taiwan, will implement to control and bring a lot of questions in the dividing area of land utilization, but does not implement Houston controlled in assigning to area of land utilization but begin to ponder over the possibility of the plan, hope to offer the enlightenment controlled in city development in future with such a transition.
Chapter one - Introduction: Describing the structure of this research, including research motive and purpose, secondly explain range and content of this research, state the this research method finally, and draw up structure studied and research procedure.
Chapter two - Document retrospect: Put in order and there are relevant documents to review and analyses with this research domestic and internationally at first, various kinds of control system methods, put the land utilization of a research object Houston in order and review to control the way and relevant appraisal finally while reviewing the city and developing thereafter.
Chapter three - The land utilization of Houston of U.S.A. controls the discussion of the system: Chapter this is it is it describe to begin to plan from city of Houston, show Houston whether one have city that plan also, why to thereafter understand that Houston has not implemented the background and reason controlled in dividing into area of land utilization, and then probe into the control method controlled in the present situation of land utilization and land utilization of the present stage in Houston deeply, analyses the transition controlled in land utilization of the present stage of Houston and reform the roar finally.
Chapter four - Houston of U.S.A. and Taiwan land utilization control the comparison of the system: Compare with the control system of two places in Taiwan through Houston, understand that it controls the difference of ways with Taiwan. With the difference when in charge of and leave alone too, distinguish the question produced between the two, and offer the reference of controlling the direction of city development in the future of chapter five.
Chapter five - The land utilization of Houston controls the system and improves the enlightenment of Taiwan: Control the transition that the system improved the ideological trend and Taiwan development and controlled the system from Houston, analyses that issuing gives and thinking of controlling the system of Houston development all produces and changes, no matter the government control is or that the market strength seems to all have places that is not admitted, to this argument, in this chapter will be changed from the thinking of Houston finally, propose that the development in the future of Taiwan controls the enlightenment of the system.
Chapter six - The conclusion and suggestion: Control the place where the system can be consulted from the land utilization of Houston instead of while controlling the thinking of improving of the system, originally researching and proposing the development in the future of Taiwan and controlling the due thinking of the system, there should be Philosophy idea, accord with the plan, reach value. So when Taiwan wants to advance in strength trend of orientation market in the future, it should notice control not developing it have not according with value, wish scene, plan, direction of these parts. And the suggestion of controlling the system of city development is to the future for this research, must still plan and control under respecting the market, under wishing the scene and goal, reach the elasticity of land utilization, should pay attention to managing and consulting and participating in the people. From Houston and change of controlling the system of two development of Taiwan while changing, there should be any thinking to offer development in the future to the city.
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究動機與目的
第二節 研究範圍與內容
第三節 研究方法與架構
第四節 研究流程

第二章 文獻回顧
第一節 相關文獻研析
第二節 都市發展管制之方法
第三節 休士頓市土地使用管制之方式
第四節 休士頓市未實施土地使用分區管制之相關評價
第五節 小結

第三章 美國休士頓市土地使用管制制度之探討
第一節 休士頓市之都市計畫
第二節 未實施土地使用分區管制制度背景及原因分析
第三節 休士頓市現階段土地使用現況
第四節 休士頓市土地使用管制制度之分析
第五節 休士頓市土地使用管制之轉變
第六節 小結

第四章 美國休士頓市與台灣土地使用管制制度之比較
第一節 台灣土地使用管制制度之概述
第二節 台灣土地使用管制制度之課題
第三節 台灣土地使用管制制度與休士頓市管制制度之比較
第四節 小結

第五章 休士頓市土地使用管制制度變革對台灣之啟示
第一節 休士頓市土地使用管制制度變革思潮
第二節 台灣發展管制制度的轉變
第三節 休士頓市土地使用管制及其變革思潮帶給台灣的啟示
第四節 小結

第六章 結論與建議
第一節 結論
第二節 建議:都市發展管制新思維


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