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研究生(外文):Chuan-lun Tseng
論文名稱(外文):Taste and Habitus in Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby: A Bourdieuan Reading
指導教授(外文):Jerome Keating
外文關鍵詞:The Great GatsbyHabitusTaste
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本篇論文的目的在於探討費茲傑羅作品《大亨小傳》劇中角色生存心態的同時,能辨正出蓋茨比的死亡並非取決於單一特定因素,而是因為生存環境與價值觀內、外衝突下,所產生之結局。長年以來,多數批評家皆以單一面向的方式來闡述蓋茲比之死亡,進而忽略內心價值觀與外在生存環境對劇中角色之影響。 此篇論文希望能以布爾迪厄之生存心態與品味的觀念,提供另一角度了解蓋茨比的死因。
This thesis aims at exploring the characters'habitus in F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby while at the same time recognizes that Gatsby's death does not result from one single element but results from multiple elements,which include environment and value. Over the past decades,most critics focus on single perspective to illustrate what accounts for Gatsby's death. This may limit the significances for condition of existence and value on characters in the novel. Through the concept of habitus,it is to hope that we can bring readers a new interpretation for the death of Gatsby.
The thesis consists of three parts. Chapter one discusses the Boudieu’s concept of habitus, which includes the definition, development and application. Chapter two employs the concept of habitus to draw the difference among Gatsby, Daisy and Tom and leads us to unravel what account for Gatsby’s wretched ending. Chapter three, with the descriptions for the Gatsby’s relationship between family, friend and woman, proves that Gatsby is doomed to fail in recapturing Daisy either from objective or subjective concern. It is to hope that through the previous illustrations, while some gaps of the literary field can be filled in, a new interpretation of The Great Gatsby will be provided as well.
Table of Contents

Introduction 1

Chapter One:
The Analysis of Bourdieu's Concept—Habitus 13
A. Definition 13
B. The Development of the Concept of Habitus 17
C. The Indicator of Habitus—Taste 20
D. Class and Classification 26

Chapter Two:
What Leads Gatsby to Demise 36
A. Condition of Existence 36
B. The Exhibition of Habitus Through Taste 41
C. What Accounts for Gatsby’s Wretched Ending 45

Chapter Three:
Gatsby's Value on Love 55
A. Gatsby's Relationship with Family 57
B. Gatsby's Relationship with Friend 58
C. Gatsby's Relationship with Woman 60

Conclusion 64

Appendix 69

Works Cited 73
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