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研究生(外文):Shu-fang Chen
論文名稱(外文):Urban Magnestism and Female Social Identity in Sister Carrie
指導教授(外文):Professor Jerome F. Keating
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以描述一名年輕女性的迷人都市旅程為主,《嘉莉妹妹》經常被視為一本現代小說, 作者德萊塞對於在十九世紀晚期正在蓬勃發展的芝加哥及紐約的詳細描述不僅表達了迷人的都市生活,同時也揭露了都市文化的黑暗面。本文試運用相關之都市文化論述,首先探討複雜微妙的城市生活的本質,進而討論個人要如何因應為了生存在現代都市世界裡所面對的困難。 對於許多懷有夢想的城市探訪者來說,原以為可以在城市找到屬於自己的財寶,最後卻因無處可去或無路可退只能困在城市裡。
Depicting a young girl's amazing city pilgrimage, Sister Carrie is often regarded as a modern novel in which Dreiser’s detailed description of the booming Chicago and New York City presents not only the fascinating city life but also reveals the darker side of urban culture in the late nineteenth century in America. Adopting relevant urban culture discourses, the thesis first examines the tricky nature of city life and how an individual has to act in response to the hardship in order to survive in the modern urban world. Having no way out, many city-dwellers at last are trapped in the cunning city where they originally expect to find their glimmering gold.
With a perspective of cultural studies, the discussion of Carrie's city journey also requires the facts about the role of women in Dreiser's contemporary—the late Victorian epoch when the conservative genteel moral codes are superficially prevailed but shattered by social upheaval. Women’s position, paradoxically regulated by rigid social norms and increased potential job employment, became inevitably bewildering whether a woman chooses to get married or to be a working-class woman. Confronting the impossible position of women's role, some female resort to the disagreeable shortcut to wealth—using sex to overcome their predicament.
However, to get rich is the compelling motif that drives people to approach the city where the vivid material display hence turns to dominate and manipulate people's lives through consumer culture. In order to obtain more material possessions, Carrie yields herself to men and loses herself in her endless pursuit of illusionary happiness. Holding on materials to construct her self, Carrie thus loses her subjectivity as well though after all she is a successful case in terms of the jungle rule—survival the fittest.
Table of Contents

Chapter One:
Temptations and Dilemmas of Urban Magnetism..............................................16
I. Siren Calls of Urban Magnetism.....................................................................17
A. Golden Opportunity of Employment….....................................................19
B. Visual Fascination Outside Home..............................................................24
II. Jungle Rules underneath the Guileful City Life.............................................30
A. Facts about Survival...................................................................................31
B. Desperate Struggles against Gravity?.......................................................37

Chapter Two:
A Small Town Girl’s Pilgrimage to Great Cities.................................................46
I. An Impossible Position for Women................................................................48
II. A Reversal of the Success Formula...............................................................58

Chapter Three:
Carrie’s Ever-Changing Identity.........................................................................67
I. Constructions of Carrie’s Personality...........................................................69
II. Combing the Self in Consumer Culture.........................................................80
III. Contradictions in Carrie’s Character.............................................................88

Works Cited.......................................................................................................102
Woks Consulted.................................................................................................108
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