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研究生(外文):Z John Liu
論文名稱(外文):The Relationship between Situation and Defense Budget Policy - The Relationship between Situation and Defense Budget Policy-Example to Department of Defense of Taiwan, U.S.A., Japan, and Korea
指導教授(外文):Tsai Mei Lin
外文關鍵詞:action researchdefense situationdefense budget policy
  • 被引用被引用:10
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本研究採用行動研究(action research)方法,經由國防立委、預算學者專家、國防政策官員共卅人之參與意見彙整,以及台灣、美國、日本、南韓等國間接文獻之引用,最後提出預算行動方案,並獲得以下結論:
1. 不同的國防情境下,採行的國防預算政策不同。
2. 不同的戰略型態規劃,會干擾國防預算政策之採行。
3. 我國國防預算佔政府總預算比例逐年下滑,未能滿足當前國家戰略需求。而國軍現行設計計畫預算制度(PPBS)仍屬適當;三項重大軍購特別預算具有必要性和急迫性。
The power of a country's military forces and national security was influenced substantially by defense budget. The special situation our nation faced with, Taiwan has relied on U.S.A.’s policy toward and on its arm supply; that keep the peace of Cross- Straits. However, the decision made by Taiwan DoD to purchase “three significant weapons” from U.S.A. has become a controversial issue these two years. This research was thus motivated to investigate the relationship between the situation of a country’s national defense and its national defense budget policy. In particular, the objective of this research is to explore the influence of situation type on budget policy.
This research adopts action-research methodology. With 30 participants from different parties, including senators of national defense committee, scholars and experts with budgetary major, and DoD’s officers, the researcher analysis the data generated from the above-mentioned participants’ opinions and perspectives, and the secondary data from the corresponding documents concerning Taiwan, U.S.A., Japan, and Korea to propose budgetary policy action programs. The conclusions are as follows:
1. Different budget's policies were selected from different situations.
2. The types of strategic planning moderate the relationship between situation and budget’s policy adoption.
3. The decreasing ratios of military budget to total national budget year by year has made the military budget insufficient to the requirement of Taiwan’s strategic needs.
中文摘要 ..................... iii
英文摘要 ..................... iv
誌謝辭  ..................... v
內容目錄 ..................... vi
表目錄  ..................... viii
圖目錄  ..................... ix
第一章  緒論-重點與結構.............. 1
  第一節  研究背景............... 1
  第二節  研究問題與目的............ 3
  第三節  研究重要性.............. 5
  第四節  研究範圍............... 6
  第五節  論文結構............... 6
第二章  文獻探討-解構............... 9
  第一節  情境理論與國防情境.......... 9
  第二節  預算管理策略............. 13
  第三節  預算理論與預算制度.......... 18
  第四節  國防系統特性............. 28
  第五節  戰略型態規劃............. 30
第三章  台、美、日、韓國防預算體制........ 32
  第一節  國防基本方針............. 32
  第二節  國防預算之供給............ 35
  第三節  台灣國防預算體制........... 37
  第四節  美國國防預算體制........... 40
  第五節  日本國防預算體制........... 44
  第六節  南韓國防預算體制........... 46
第四章  研究方法................. 49
  第一節  研究架構............... 50
  第二節  名詞釋義............... 51
  第三節  參與者訪談.............. 55
  第四節  分析方法............... 59
  第五節  資料蒐集............... 61
第五章  命題、資料分析及行動-建構......... 75
  第一節  參與者意見與命題........... 75
  第二節  國防情境分析............. 106
  第三節  戰略目標型態分析........... 112
  第四節  預算政策分析............. 127
  第五節  研究發現................ 136
第六節  行動方案............... 141
第六章  結論-整體意涵與建議............ 149
  第一節  整體意涵............... 150
  第二節  建議................. 153
參考文獻 ..................... 158
附錄A  美國國防資源決策與計畫作為體系...... 173
附錄B  參與者意見彚整.............. 174
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