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論文名稱(外文):The Research of the Relationship among Work Autonomy, Trust and Intragroup Conflict.
外文關鍵詞:work autonomytrustintragroup conflict
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在現今已團隊結構為主要運作方式之經營型態下,個人在工作環境中與同事相處接觸的時間日益增多,彼此間的互動關係也日趨重。然而任何事務只要與人產生關係就難免會引發衝突,尤其是現今多元化的社會,有不同的想法與立場更是極為普遍的現象。為了拓展群內衝突的知識領域,本研究以工作自主權為自變項,探討工作團隊成員所擁有之工作自主權 (work autonomy)與群內衝突(intragroup conflict)之關係,並透過團隊成員間之信任感(trust)中介機制作用,進一步釐清此二變項之關係型式。
Nowadays, the operation of enterprises is mainly managed as an unite of teamwork. In light of the characteristic of conflict, the interaction at workplace between individual and coworker getting more attention from the managers. This research is aiming to expand the field of intragroup conflict. Work autonomy is used to as independent variable to measure the relationship between intragroup conflict and itself. The moderating effects are examined by the trust on the relationship of work autonomy and intragroup conflict. The effects of two variables are clarified in the context.
The sample body of this research is the staffs of R&D teams at technology companies in Taiwan. The results came to 266 effective samples. By the examination of LISREL and the analysis showed that the negative relationship between the work autonomy and intragroup conflict is significant. In addition, both the positive relationship between the work autonomy and the trust among the team members, and the negative relationship between the trust and intragroup conflict are also significant.
內 容 目 錄
中文摘要.................... iii
英文摘要.................... iv
誌謝辭..................... v
內容目錄.................... vi
表目錄..................... viii
圖目錄..................... ix
第一章  緒論................. 1
  第一節  研究背景............. 1
  第二節  研究問題與研究目的........ 3
  第三節  研究架構與假設.......... 5
第二章  文獻探討............... 11
  第一節  工作自主權............ 11
  第二節  信任............... 16
  第三節  群內衝突............. 19
第三章  研究方法............... 31
  第一節  研究變項之操作性定義與測量工具.. 31
第二節  研究樣本與資料蒐集假設........ 34
  第三節  資料分析方法........... 36
第四章  分析結果............... 38
第一節  基本資料分析............. 38
第二節  驗證性因素分析............ 42
  第三節  相關與共線性分析......... 52
  第四節  因果模式路徑分析......... 54
第五章  結論與建議.............. 68
第一節  結論................. 68
第二節  建議................. 72
參考文獻.................... 74
附錄  研究問巻................ 97
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