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研究生(外文):Kuo Ya-Te
論文名稱(外文):The relationship between consumer purchasing and relationship marketing
指導教授(外文):Chien-Heng Chou
外文關鍵詞:consumer innovativenessrelationship strengthrelationship marketing
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Nowadays, the focus of marketing is keeping the relationship with current customers, and how to utilize customer relationship create, maintain, and increase customer value, such that business profits can be maximized. But in the early stage of customer relationship development, the first step is market segmentation. Consumer innovativeness is one of the important variables of market segmentation. If the company can keep long-term relationship with this kind of consumers, the probability of market success will improve. The main purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between customer innovativeness and relationship strength.
The data of this study is primary data. The data source is the undergraduate students in Chinese Culture University. 400 questionnaires were distributed. Of all samples, 389 questionnaires were returned, with usable questionnaires totaling 311.
The results of the research show that when controlling for customer satisfaction, commitment, and bonds, consumer innovativeness is negatively and significantly correlated with relationship strength. Theoretical and practical implication, and future study suggestions are discussed.
中文摘要 ..................... iii
英文摘要 ..................... iv
誌謝辭  ..................... v
內容目錄 ..................... vi
表目錄  ..................... viii
圖目錄  ..................... ix
第一章  緒論................... 1
  第一節  研究背景與問題............ 1
  第二節  研究目的............... 2
  第三節  觀念性架構.............. 3
  第四節  研究範圍與限制............ 4
第二章  文獻探討及研究限制............ 6
  第一節  關係強度............... 6
  第二節  消費者創新採用特質.......... 19
  第三節  研究假設............... 26
第三章  研究方法................. 29
  第一節  抽樣設計............... 29
  第二節  變數之操作性定義及衡量方式...... 30
  第三節  樣本結果............... 37
  第四節  統計分析方法與架構.......... 39
第四章  基本資料分析............... 42
  第一節  研究變數之信度分析.......... 42
  第二節  研究變數之相關性分析......... 54
  第三節  假設檢定分析............. 56
第五章  結論與建議................ 61
  第一節  結論與涵義.............. 61
  第二節  後續研究建議............. 62
參考文獻 ..................... 64
附錄  研究問卷.................. 79
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