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研究生(外文):Tai-Yi Lee
論文名稱(外文):Industrial Risk Assessment: Genetic Technology Industry
指導教授(外文):Jin-Fa Hwang
外文關鍵詞:genetic technologyindustrial riskaccounting beta
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The main idea of this research is to define the industrial risk of the genetic tech-nology industry. Because the component of the industrial risk is too complicated, this research would like to use three risk profiles: the systematic risk, the credit risk and the growth risk to capture the industrial risk, that isn’t only to realize whether the relation-ship between the industrial risk and its three risk profiles is significant but also to see how the industrial risk can be explained by the three risk profiles. Another issue this re-search would like to know is, if using accounting beta substitutes CAPM’s beta, which is used to be thought a traditional proxy for the systematic risk. This research hope there could be using the accounting–based variables to construct a model to access the indus-trial risk.
The findings indicate that the systematic risk, the credit risk and the growth risk would be significant to the industrial risk, and also have strong ability to explain it. While CAPM’s beta is replaced by individual accounting beta, the regression model is still significant. However, the regression coefficients are changed; there could be a simi-lar nature of our independent variables. So this research makes all accounting beta com-pose a linear function, and puts this new variate into the model and retest. Finally, this research finds that this variate, or can be called”quasi-accounting beta ”, is still signifi-cant to the industrial risk, and the regression coefficients become normal and stable. Furthermore, the ability to explain is much stronger than CAPM’s beta.
中文摘要 ...................... iii
英文摘要 ...................... iv
誌謝辭  ...................... v
內容目錄 ...................... vi
表目錄  ...................... viii
圖目錄  ...................... ix
公式目錄 ...................... x
第一章  緒論.................... 1
  第一節  研究背景................ 1
  第二節  研究動機與目的............. 3
  第三節  論文架構與研究流程........... 4
第二章  文獻探討.................. 6
  第一節  生物技術................ 6
  第二節  基因科技................ 16
  第三節  產業風險................ 19
第三章  研究設計.................. 29
  第一節  研究方法................ 29
  第二節  研究樣本與研究期間........... 29
第三節  相關變數之衡量............. 30
  第四節  實證模型與統計方法........... 39
第四章  實證結果.................. 45
  第一節  敘述統計................ 45
  第二節  Pearson相關分析............. 49
  第三節  實證結果分析.............. 51
第五章  結論與建議................. 60
  第一節  研究結論................ 60
  第二節  研究限制................ 63
  第三節  研究建議................ 64
參考文獻   .................... 65
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