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研究生(外文):Huang, Zi-Quan
論文名稱(外文):The Research of the Associations between Economic alue Added and Market Value Added- A Case Study on Listed Companies in Shanghai Stock Exchange of China
指導教授(外文):Chuang, Jia-jiann
外文關鍵詞:economic value addedmarket value addedtraditional accounting performance measurement
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EVA與MVA皆是Stern Stewart & Co.顧問公司所發展的績效衡量指標,依據該顧問公司評析,EVA是解釋MVA變異的最佳績效指標,甚至建議應以EVA取代傳統會計績效衡量指標。
2.EVA與傳統績效指標(ROA、ROE、EPS)對於MVA的解釋力比較上,發現A股有9個行業EVA的解釋力較傳統績效指標好;B股3個產業亦有相同現象。而同時有發行AB股的公司中,亦有 3種產業有相同現象。
The performance measurement of EVA and MVA were developed by Stern Stewart & Co.. According to the consultancy company’s evaluation, EVA is the best mechanism of performance measurement in explaining the variable change of MVA. They further suggested using the measurement of EVA to replace the measurement of traditional accounting.
The purpose of this study attempts to realize the relationship between EVA and MVA. Whether the EVA is more explicable with the MVA than that of traditional accounting performance measurement (ROA、ROE、EPS) is also investigated.The research samples were collected from the listed Shanghai stock market between 2000 and 2004. The research results can be summarized as following:
1.The EVA of listed companies in Shanghai Stock Exchange has ability to explain the MVA in overall type of stocks, and the ability varies with the type of distinguished positive, negative and special-stock-property.
2.According to the results after regression analysis, there are nine industries of stock A showing that EVA is more explicable with the MVA than that of traditional accounting performance measurement. Three industries of stock B show the same results. Moreover, three industries which issued stocks A and B simultaneously are also showing the same results.
3.Regarding investment in Shanghai stock market, this research found that ROA and EPS can improve the ability to explain MVA in stock B. Therefore, this research suggests that it is beneficial to adopt them as well. However, investment in stock A had better employ the EVA only.
4.With regard to the five elements of EVA correlated with the MVA, this research found that operation cash flow and accrual items have the great ability to explain the MVA.
中文摘要 ..................... i
英文摘要 ..................... ii
誌謝辭 ..................... iv
內容目錄 ..................... v
表目錄 ..................... vii
圖目錄 ..................... ix
公式目錄 ..................... x
第一章 緒論................... 1
第一節 研究背景與動機............ 1
第二節 研究目的............... 4
第三節 論文架構............... 5
第二章 文獻探討................. 7
第一節 傳統績效衡量指標........... 7
第二節 經濟附加價值............. 11
第三節 市場附加價值............. 27
第四節 經濟附加價值與市場附加價值的關係... 30
第五節 經濟附加價值與市場附加價值之相關實證文獻................. 34
第六節 大陸股票市場............. 39
第三章 研究方法................. 46
第一節 研究主題............... 46
第二節 研究設計............... 48
第三節 研究變數定義............. 52
第四節 樣本選取與資料來源.......... 56
第五節 資料分析............... 57
第四章 實證結果與分析.............. 58
第一節 敘述性統計分析............ 58
第二節 相關性分析.............. 59
第三節 迴歸分析............... 61
第五章 結論、限制與建議............. 82
第一節 研究結論............... 82
第二節 研究限制............... 84
第三節 研究建議............... 85
參考文獻...................... 86
附錄A 樣本公司名單(A股)............. 94
附錄B 樣本公司名單(B股)............. 97
附錄C 樣本公司名單(同時發行A、B股)....... 98
表2- 1 GAAP與EVA會計項目處理之比較.....20
表2- 2 B公司的資產負債表............ 22
表2- 3 B公司的損益表.............. 22
表2- 4 B公司的投入資本............. 23
表2- 5 B公司的稅後淨營業利益.......... 24
表2- 6 B公司加權平均資金成本.......... 25
表4- 1 敘述性統計(樣本數:544) .......... 58
表4- 2 樣EVA、MVA、ROA、ROE與EPS之相關係數.................... 59
表4- 3 MVA/IC、EVA/IC之相關係數........ 60
表4- 4 MVA與EVA五要素之相關係數........ 60
表4- 5 全部樣本之MVA/IC與EVA/IC迴歸分析表... 61
表4- 6 全部樣本之MVA/IC與EVA/IC (區分正負)迴歸分析表.................. 62
表4- 7 全部樣本之MVA/IC與EVA/IC (區分特殊屬性股票別)迴歸分析表.............. 63
表4- 8 全部樣本之MVA/IC與EVA/IC (區分正負與特殊屬性股票別)迴歸分析表........... 64
表4- 9 全部樣本之MVA與EVA、傳統績效指標迴歸分析表................... 65
表4-10 MVA與EVA、傳統績效指標之迴歸分析表(區分產業別,A股部分)............
表4-11 MVA與EVA、傳統績效指標之迴歸分析表(區分產業別,B股部分)............ 70
表4-12 A股與B股之EVA對MVA變異解釋力排名..71
表4-13 MVA與EVA、傳統績效指標之迴歸分析表(AB股皆有分析之產業)............. 72
表4-14 MVA與EVA、傳統績效指標之迴歸分析表(同時發行A、B股公司)............ 74
表4-15 特殊屬性股票別之EVA與傳統績效指標對MVA之解釋力(R2)分析表............. 75
表4-16 特殊屬性股票別之傳統績效指標ROA加入EVA對MVA解釋力之實證研究.......76
表4-17 特殊屬性股票別之傳統績效指標ROE加入EVA對MVA解釋力之實證研究.......... 77
表4-18 特殊屬性股票別之傳統績效指標EPS加入EVA對MVA解釋力之實證研究.......... 78
表4-19 特殊屬性股票別之傳統績效指標中加入EVA指標後對MVA解釋能力之變動......... 79
表4-20 特殊屬性股票別之EVA指標中加入傳統績效指標後對MVA解釋能力之變動......... 80
表4-21 EVA五要素對MVA解釋力之實證分析....81
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