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研究生(外文):Yi-xian Pang
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Association among Information Disclosure, Suc-cessive High-Ranking Managers and Corporate Performance
指導教授(外文):Jia-jiann Chuang
外文關鍵詞:information disclosuresuccessive high-ranking managerscorporate performance
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During the recent ten years, the corporate fraud and scandal have been happening both at domestic and abroad. The investors are losing their confidence in capital market. The major concerns for investors are how to improve the information disclosure, reduce the imbalance of information between business operators and owners and help investors acquiring the accurate and timely information. In addition, the high-ranking managers are very crucial to decide a company’s success or failure. The high-ranking managers not only influence the corporate performance but also decide the future direction of op-eration.
The purposes of this research are exploring the associations among the degree of information disclosure, the type of successive high-ranking managers and the corporate performance. This research focuses on companies which have changed the high-ranking managers from 2002 to 2003. The research results are as following:
1. There are correlative between the degree of information disclosure and the corporate performance.
2. There are correlative between the internal high-ranking successors and the cor-porate performance.
3. It shows significant difference in corporate performance of companies among different type of high-ranking successors.
4. It also shows significant difference in degree of information disclosure of com-panies among different type of high-ranking successors
中文摘要 .....................iii
英文摘要 .....................iv
內容目錄 .....................v
表目錄  .....................vii
圖目錄  .....................ix
第一章  緒論...................1
  第一節  研究背景與動機.............1
  第二節  研究目的................4
  第三節  論文架構................5
第二章  文獻探討.................7
  第一節  代理理論................7
  第二節  訊號理論...............12
  第三節  資訊揭露...............14
  第四節  繼任高階經理人型態..........27
第三章  研究方法.................31
  第一節  研究架構...............31
  第二節  研究假說...............33
  第三節  變數定義...............36
  第四節  研究範圍與資料來源..........41
  第五節  統計分析方法.............44
  第六節  模型建立...............45
第四章  實證結果分析................48
  第一節  敘述性統計..............48
  第二節  相關性分析..............51
  第三節  迴歸分析...............53
  第四節  獨立樣本t檢定............61
  第五節  敏感性分析..............63
第五章  結論與建議................72
  第一節  結究結論...............72
  第二節  結究建議...............75
  第三節  結究限制...............76
參考文獻 .....................78
附錄A-1 2002年標準普爾公司(S & P)資訊透明度衡量..90
附錄A-2 2002年更換高階經理人樣本公司.......98
附錄A-3 2003年更換高階經理人樣本公司.......100
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