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研究生(外文):kao ying hao
論文名稱(外文):The study in oxygen uptake and metabolic equivalent rate in new table tennis rules
指導教授(外文):jasson CHIANG
外文關鍵詞:40mm table tennis balleleven pointsoxygen uptake
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本研究主要目的在探討桌球大球體及新賽制之心肺呼吸及能量代謝系統。本研究以16位大專男子桌球選手為研究對象,分別在實驗室及桌球場進行測驗在實驗室的測量以Bruce protocol測量最大攝氧量,然後分組以Cortex無線遙測能量代謝系統測量受試者,分別在技術訓練以及模擬比賽各項數據分析,研究結果發現:一、桌球選手最大攝氧量約為42.1±6.4 ml/kg/min±6.4,最大值為48.5 ml/kg/min最小值為 37.2 ml/kg/min。二、甲組選手在技術訓練時攝氧量約為29.8±7.2ml/kg/min,模擬比賽時攝氧量約為36.8±13.2ml/kg/min基本的移位練習或是正反拍對攻練習心跳率以及攝氧量不會明顯提高。直到測驗中選手開始搶攻練習並持續連續進攻時心跳率以及攝氧量會快速上升。三、乙組選手在技術訓練時攝氧量約為33.5±7.5 ml/kg/min,模擬比賽時攝氧量約為35.6±18.4ml/kg/min,基本的移位練習或是正反拍對攻練習心跳率以及攝氧量不會明顯提高。在訓練中發球搶攻練習、腳步移位訓練以及發力攻擊時攝氧量會明顯上升,隨著練習時間加長心跳、攝氧量也會上升。
The main purpose of the study is to investigate oxygen uptake and metabolic equivalent rate with new rules in table tennis. Sixteen male university athlete subjects participated with the train male by using the Bruce protocol to evaluate their maximum oxygen uptake capacity (Vo2max) in CCU physiology laboratory. After pretest, we divided Athletes in to A and B two groups, evaluated Athletes maximum oxygen uptake capacity during simulation on basic, technique, moving and serving practice by using wireless oxygen evaluation system (Cortex Metalyzer 3B). From results we demonstrated that 1. Table tennis Athletes Vo2max was 42.1±6.4 ml/kg/min±6.4, maximum value was 48.5 ml/kg/min, minimum value was 37.2 ml/kg/min. 2. When group A Athletes are proceeding technique practice their oxygen consumption rate was 29.8±7.2ml/kg/min, during simulation competition was 36.8±13.2ml/kg/min. There were no differences between heart rate and oxygen uptake during basic moving practice or main hand and backhand practice. But after the examination session has began, their heart rate and oxygen uptake raise swiftly. 3. Group B Athletes Vo2max during technique training was 33.5±7.5 ml/kg/min, simulating competition was 35.6±18.4ml/kg/min, no differences between heart rate and oxygen uptake during basic moving practice or main hand and backhand practice.
The longer the competition and practice session, higher is their heart rate.
Discussion, after comparism the oxygen uptake volume was lower than other sports. During serving, moving, practice and smash their oxygen uptake would increase, heart rate and oxygen uptake increases as long as their training session extended.
第一章 緒論 .2
一、前言 2
二、研究背景與動機 2
研究目的: 6
研究假設: 7
名詞操作性定義: 7
第二章 文獻探討 9
第三章實驗方法與步驟 15
第一節 實驗對象 15
第二節 實驗時間與地點 15
第三節 實驗器材 16
  第四節 實驗設計……………………………………………… 17
第五節 實驗流程 18
第六節 資料處理統計 19

  第一節 實驗室最大攝氧量測量…………………………………20
  第二節 甲組桌球選手技術訓練、比賽有氧能力說明…………21
  第三節 乙組桌球選手技術訓練、比賽有氧能力說明…………22
第四節 代謝當量……………………………………………… 23

第五章 結果與討論……………………………………………………25
第一節 結果…………………………………………………….25
  第二節 討論…………………………………………………….26

參考文獻 30
圖一 實驗流程圖…………………………………………………….18
表一 桌球選手最大攝氧量檢測結果……………………………….21
表二 甲組桌球選手技術訓練有氧能力檢測結果………………….22
表三 甲組桌球選手摩你比賽有氧能力檢測結果………………….22
表四 乙組桌球選手技術訓練有氧能力檢測結果………………….23
表五 乙組桌球選手比賽中有氧能力檢測結果……………………24
表六 身體活動強度分類表…………………………………………25
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