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研究生(外文):ChengYU Chen
論文名稱(外文):The effect of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate on the physical property of water soluble PU Resin
指導教授(外文):YangMing Kuo
中文關鍵詞: 異氰酸酯 添加劑 作用力 水溶液 架橋力
外文關鍵詞:puwater-based polyureythane
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甲苯二異氰酸酯與聚酯,2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate及其他添加劑反應成水性PU樹脂之分子結構己經IR光譜證實,實驗數據顯示水性PU數之分子之平均粒徑會隨2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate濃度之增高而變大,這是因為水性PU數之分子之自由體積變大之故。水性PU樹脂溶液之黏度似乎也會隨著2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate濃度之增高而變大,原因也是因為水性PU樹脂分子之自由體積變大之故。至於水性PU樹脂溶液之表面張力會隨2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate濃度之增高而變大,這是因為水溶液表面上的非極性基排列較整齊之故
水性PU樹脂薄膜之拉硬力會隨2-hydroxyethyl methacrylat濃度增高而略為變大,這是因為水性PU分子與分子間的作用力增強,而使得水性PU樹脂分子的架橋力增強之故。不過,水性PU樹脂薄膜之伸長率卻會隨2-hydroxyethyl methacrylat濃度增高而變小,這是因為水性PU樹脂分子本身的作用力增強之故。
The reaction of toluene diisocyanate with polyester, 2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate and other additives to form the structure of water-based polyureythane(PU) resin molecule has been proven by IR spectra. Experimental date showed that the average particle size of the water-based PU resin in water increased with increasing concentration of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate. This may be due to the result of increased free volume of the PU resin molecule. In aqueous solution, the viscisty of the water-based PU resin molecule also appeared to increase with an increase of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate concentration, as a result of increased free volume of the water-based PU resin molecule. For water-based PU resin in water, the surface tensin was seem to increase with increasing concentration of 2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate. This may be attributed to the hydrophobics effect of the PU resin molecule adsorbed at the surface of the water becoming even more ordered.
The tensile strength of the film made by the water-based PU resin slightly increased with increcsing concentration of 2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate. This may be due to increased crosslinking capability resulting from intermolecular interaction between water-based PU resin molecules themselves and between PU molecule and water molecule. On the other hand, however, the elongation of the file made by the water-based PU resin decreased with increasing concentration of 2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate, as a result of strong intramolecular interaction of the PU resin molecule itself.
目 錄
第一章 前言-----------------------------------------------1
第二章 理論部份-------------------------------------------3
2.1 PU離子體----------------------------------------------4
2.1-1 PU離子體的合成反應----------------------------------6
2.2 原料--------------------------------------------------8
2-2-1 異氰酸酯(Isocyanate)------------------------------8
2.2-2 多元醇(Polyol)-----------------------------------15
2.2-3 鏈延長劑(linkage extender)-------------------------16
2.2-4 催化劑(catalyst)-----------------------------------17
2.2-5 內部乳化劑(Intrnal emulsifiers)--------------------19
2.2-6 架橋劑(Cross-linking Agent)------------------------20
2.2-7 溶劑的選擇-----------------------------------------21
2.3 PU離子體的製造---------------------------------------22
2.3-1 溶液法(solution process)---------------------------23
2.3-2 預聚物混合法(prepolymer mixing process)------------23
2.3-3 熱熔法(melt dispersion process)--------------------24
2.3-4 丙酮製程-------------------------------------------27
2.3-5預聚物混合法(prepolymer mixing process)-------------28
2.4 游離基聚合反應---------------------------------------29
2.4-1 開始過程(Initiation)-------------------------------29
2.4-2 生長過程(Growth;Propagation)-----------------------30
2.4-3 終結過程(Termination)------------------------------30
第三章 實驗部份------------------------------------------32
3-1 實驗之分析儀器設備-----------------------------------32
3.1-1 實驗裝置-------------------------------------------32
3.1-2 分析儀器-------------------------------------------33
3.1-3 實驗藥品-------------------------------------------34
3.2 水性PU/2-HEMA樹脂溶液製備---------------------------36
3.3 物性之測試-------------------------------------------38
3.3-1 紅外線光譜儀之測試---------------------------------38
3.3-2 表面張力之測試(Wilhelmy法)-------------------------39
3.3-3 黏度之測試-----------------------------------------40
3.3-4 機械性質之測試-------------------------------------41
3.3-5 平均粒徑及擴散係數之測試---------------------------43
第四章 結果與討論----------------------------------------45
4.1 IR光譜探討-------------------------------------------45
4.2 物性之探討-------------------------------------------49
4.2-1 平均粒徑(Number Average Particle)之探討------------49
4.2-2 表面張力(surface Tension)之探討--------------------57
4.2-3 黏度(Viscosity)之探討------------------------------59
4.2-4 拉應力(Tensile strength)之探討---------------------61
4.2-5 伸長率(Elongation)之探討---------------------------65
第五章 結論----------------------------------------------67
第六章 參考文獻------------------------------------------68

圖 目 錄
圖一 The urethane link-------------------------------------3
圖二 分子結構與PU之關係圖---------------------------------3
圖三 離子體結構圖-----------------------------------------4
圖四 PU結構以X-ray繞射和熱分析結果顯示--------------------5
圖五 PU樹脂海島狀結晶相-----------------------------------5
圖六 陽離子型PU離子體之製程反應---------------------------6
圖七 羧酸型PU陰離子體之製程反應---------------------------7
圖八 磺酸型PU離子體之製程反應-----------------------------7
圖九 芳香族及脂肪族異氰酸鹽-------------------------------9
圖十 內部乳化劑種類--------------------------------------19
圖十一 溶液法之製程--------------------------------------23
圖十二 預聚合物混合法之製程------------------------------24
圖十三 熱熔法之製----------------------------------------25
圖十四 丙 酮 製 程---------------------------------------27
圖十五 預聚合物混合攪拌製程------------------------------28
圖十六 實驗裝置圖----------------------------------------32
圖十七 IR spectrum of Toluene diisocyanate (TDI) at 25±0.05℃
圖十八 IR spectrum of 2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate (2-HEMA) at
圖十九 IR spectrum of Toluene diisocyanate (TDI) and
3-Glycidoxpropyltrimethoxysilane (S510) in PU at
圖二十 Plot number average particle size of the PU ionomer
versus the concentration of2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate
,at 25±0.05℃-------------------------------------50
圖二十一 Plot of the intensity versus the diameter of the PU
ionomer molecule (45.78) at 25±0.05℃-------------51
圖二十二 Plot of the intensity versus the diameter of the PU
ionomer molecule (61.31) at 25±0.05℃-------------52
圖二十三 Plot of the intensity versus the diameter of the PU
ionomer molecule (56.93) at 25±0.05℃-------------53
圖二十四 Plot of the intensity versus the diameter of the PU
ionomer molecule (69.85) at 25±0.05℃-------------54
圖二十五 Plot of the intensity versus the diameter of the PU
ionomer molecule (78.55) at 25±0.05℃-------------55
圖二十六 Plot of the intensity versus the diameter of the PU
ionomer molecule (66.37) at 25±0.05℃-------------56
圖二十七 Plot of the surface tension versus the concentration
of 2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate used to make the PU
ionomer, at 25±0.05℃----------------------------58
圖二十八 Plot of the viscosity versus the concentration of
2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate used to make the PU
ionomer, at 25±0.05 ℃---------------------------60
圖二十九 Plot of the modulus (100%) versus the concentration
of 2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate used to make the PU
ionomer,at 25±0.05℃----------------------------62
圖三十 lot of the modulus (200%) versus the concentration of
2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate used to make the PU
ionomer,at 25±0.05℃------------------------------63
圖三十一 Plot of the tensile strength versus the concentration
of 2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate used to make the PU
ionomer,at 25±0.05℃----------------------------64
圖三十二 Plot of the elongation versus the concentration of
2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate used to make the PU
ionomer,at 25±0.05℃----------------------------66
表 目 錄
表一 異氰酸鹽的黃變情形----------------------------------11
表二 異氰酸鹽與CH3OCH2CH2OH反應性-------------------------12
表三 TDI物理性質-----------------------------------------14
表四 催化劑對於Diisocyanate反應催化效果-----------------18
表五 DMAC的物性------------------------------------------22
表六 紅外線光譜特性吸收峰頻率----------------------------38
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