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研究生(外文):Chen-Tsang (Simon) Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Service Failures, Restaurant Setting, and Complaining Behaviors: A Scenario Approach
指導教授(外文):Janet Chang
外文關鍵詞:restaurant settingservice failurecomplaining behavior
  • 被引用被引用:2
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Providing “zero-defect” service should be the desired objective of all service marketers, but problems are ubiquitous in the service industry mainly due to the unique characteristics of service. Service failures would occur that result in customer dissatis-faction. By clearly depicting various restaurant settings, correct answers could be at-tained in relation to the evaluation on the perceived importance of guests towards the restaurant service and their satisfaction. The major objectives of this study are two-fold: (1) To examine the relationship between restaurants’ service failures and complaining behaviors; and (2) to verify the moderating effect of restaurant settings on service fail-ures and complaining behaviors.
This study employed the concept of restaurant setting and service failures to ex-plore similarities and differences in complaining behavior of restaurant customer. The research used a scenario approach and it was administered to 790 respondents.
Results show that most of restaurant customers are likely to complaint to service staff and management. In addition, the results indicates that the moderating effect of restaurant settings -‘a birthday banquet with friends’ and ‘an important business dinner’- on service failures and complaining behaviors. The study finding also identifies that customer could be both embarrassed and disappointed when an important dining occa-sion was ruined by bad food, resulted to high effect of complaining behavior.
As for the practitioners’ reference, customers’ unique needs and expectations should always be placed with great weight in terms of providing satisfactory restaurant products and services. The purposes for dining out vary according to different motiva-tions. Therefore, restaurateurs should proactively raise their service quality and man-agement efficiency by strengthening their products and services in an effort to satisfy customers’ diversified needs.
中文摘要 ..................... iii
英文摘要 ..................... iv
誌謝辭  ..................... vi
內容目錄 ..................... vii
表目錄  ..................... ix
圖目錄  ..................... x
第一章  緒論................... 1
  第一節  研究背景............... 1
  第二節  研究動機............... 3
  第三節  研究問題與目的............ 5
  第四節  研究範圍與對象............ 7
  第五節  研究流程............... 8
第二章  文獻回顧................. 10
  第一節  情境理論............... 10
  第二節  服務失誤............... 19
  第三節  抱怨行為............... 26
第三章  研究設計................. 33
  第一節  研究架構............... 33
  第二節  研究假設............... 35
  第三節  研究變數之操作性定義......... 36
  第四節  情境實驗設計............. 37
  第五節  問卷設計............... 39
  第六節  抽樣設計............... 42
  第七節  統計資料處理............. 43
第四章  資料處理與分析.............. 45
  第一節  樣本特性分析............. 45
  第二節  抱怨行為之分析............ 49
  第三節  服務失誤對顧客抱怨行為影響之分析... 54
  第四節  用餐情境對服務失誤與抱怨行為間之調節效
果分析................ 58
第五章  結論與建議................ 61
  第一節  研究結論............... 61
  第二節  管理實務意涵............. 65
  第三節  研究限制............... 68
  第四節  未來研究方向............. 69
參考文獻...................... 70
附錄A:情境真實性問卷............... 87
附錄B:預試問卷.................. 105
附錄C:正式問卷.................. 108

表 3- 1 情節實驗設計................ 39
表 3- 2 抱怨行為問項................ 40
表 4- 1 情節實驗組之樣本回收情形.......... 46
表 4- 2 受測者之基本資料分析............ 48
表 4- 3 顧客抱怨行為統計表............. 50
表 4- 4 KMO取樣適當性檢定及Bartlett球面檢定結果..51
表 4- 5 抱怨行為之因素分析結果........... 53
表 4- 6 抱怨行為因素構面平均數排序......... 53
表 4- 7 服務失誤對顧客抱怨行為之統計表....... 54
表 4- 8 MANOVA總檢定表.............. 55
表 4- 9 服務失誤對顧客抱怨行為之單因子變異數分析.. 56
表 4-10 服務失誤對抱怨行為類型之單因子變異數分析.. 57
表 4-11 用餐情境對服務失誤與抱怨行為關係之雙因子變異數分析..........................58
表 4-12 用餐情境與服務失誤對抱怨行為之雙因子變異數分析..................... .....60

圖 1-1 研究流程.................. 9
圖 2-1 Belk的S-O-R情境模型............ 11
圖 2-2 情境影響模式................ 15
圖 2-3 服務失誤之過程與分類............ 21
圖 2-4 Day and Landon (1977)的消費者抱怨行為分類模式..........................28
圖 2-5 消費者不滿意反應分類.............29
圖 3-1 研究架構...................34
圖 4-1 用餐情境對服務失誤與抱怨行為影響.......60
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