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研究生(外文):Chia-Chun Chen
論文名稱(外文):The study of Relationships of Recreation Hassles, Ecperience Use History, and Coping-The Perception of Hikers in Yangmingshan National Park
指導教授(外文):Wei-Li Hung
外文關鍵詞:recreation hasslesexperience use historycoping
  • 被引用被引用:22
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   Recreation hassles happen very often in outdoor recreation. The literature suggests that visitors will have coping when hassles occur. In addition, the literature indicates that experienced visitors are more likely to engage in more problem-focused coping strategies. The study attempted to explore the relationships of recreation hassles, ex-perience use history (EUH) and coping .
The survey was conducted on Erzhiping trail from March to May 2006. A total of 413 questionnaires were completed, of which 401 were valid. The results show that nearly 80 percents of respondents indicated some kinds of recreation hassles, and ‘noise from other people’ was indicated most important factor interfering with hiking experi-ence. Regarding the relationship between recreation hassles and coping, it is found that there were significant differences between the types of hassles and coping. In addition, the analysis indicated that there were no significant differences between EUH and cop-ing.
The study tested the framework between recreation hassles and coping, and dis-cussed the management implication of recreational users. To provide management more effective suggestions.
中文摘要 ..................... i
英文摘要 ..................... ii
誌謝辭  ..................... iii
內容目錄 ..................... iv
表目錄  ..................... vi
圖目錄  ..................... vii
第一章  緒論................... 1
  第一節  研究背景............... 1
  第二節  研究問題與目的............ 3
第三節  研究範圍與對象............ 7
第四節  研究內容與流程............ 7
第二章  文獻回顧................. 10
  第一節  遊憩干擾............... 10
  第二節  使用經驗............... 12
  第三節  調適行為............... 14
第三章 研究設計................. 21
第一節  研究架構............... 21
第二節  操作性定義.............. 22
第三節  研究假設............... 23
  第四節  問卷設計............... 24
  第五節  抽樣方法............... 29
  第六節  分析方法............... 30
  第七節  預試................. 31

第四章  研究結果與分析.............. 34
  第一節  樣本分析............... 34
  第二節  遊憩干擾............... 36
  第三節  調適行為............... 41
  第四節  遊憩干擾、使用經驗與調適行為之關係.. 48
第五章  結論與建議................ 55
  第一節  結論................. 55
  第二節  研究限制............... 57
  第三節  建議................. 58
參考文獻 ..................... 60
附錄A  預試問卷................. 68
附錄B  正式問卷................. 72
附錄C  遊憩干擾原始問卷............. 75
附錄D  調適行為原始問卷............. 76

內政部營建署(2004),93年陽明山國家公園各遊憩區遊客人次統計[線上資料],來源:http://w3.cpami.gov.tw/statisty/93/93_pdf [2005, December 7]。


交通部觀光局(2005),94年台閩地區主要觀光遊憩區遊客人數月別統計[線上資料],來源:http://admin.taiwan.net.tw/indexc. asp [2006, March 21]。











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