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Author (Eng.):Wu, Chun Fang
Advisor:陳寧寧陳寧寧 author reflink
Narrow Field:人文學門
Detailed Field:外國語文學類
Types of papers:Academic thesis/ dissertation
Publication Year:2006
Graduated Academic Year:94
keyword (chi):黃順元
keyword (eng): before after visit before after visit before after visit
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A study on the novel by Hwang Soon-Won Trees on cliff

Wu, Chun Fang

Master’s Program in Department of Korean Language And Literature Graduate School of Chinese Culture University

This is a thesis concerning the book written in 2 parts issued continuously in Jan 7th, 1960 to July’ 60 and edited in book size by Hwang Soon-Won(黃順元)the author, his 4th book, concerning the background of Postwar period from July 1953 to 58 about the Korean War in the war frontier area in Seoul and In-Cheon(仁川) cities. The thesis is basically in explaining (1) the symbolic meanings of trees and fragments of glass; and (2) the 5 figures participated.
Dong-Ho(東浩), Hyon-Tai(賢泰), Yun-Gu(允久) were War colleagues Dong-Ho playfully was urged by the others to visit a whore house in the neighborhood of their Military camp, where he met Ok-Ju(玉珠). In sympathizing of her loosed husband and child and here poverty, he immersed in deep feeling with her.
Dong-Ho had deep belief in his Plato type love for her fiancé before meeting Ok-Ju. Unexpectedly, once he occasionally left the camp he discovered Ok-Ju’s love’s act with another soldier, evidencing that her love with Dong-Ho was a faithful. In an explosive anger, he killed Ok-Ju, and then cut his vein to commit suicide.
Suk(淑) the chaste fiancé of Dong-Ho, went to find Dong-Ho war colleagues for to discover his reasons of death and located Hyon-Tai through their investigations which thus developed into friendship, but unexpectedly Suk was pregnant, before his lif-imprisonment sentenced. Though she had requested Yun-Gu for her boarding, but being refused coolly. She then bravely accepted her fate, went back home, Wanted to raise the child single-handedly.
Hyon-Tai after his refinement from the army, he worked in his father’s firm that he could afford to invite his war colleague for drinking weekly. By chance, he met the couple of mother and daughter which looked very much resemble with the couple he strangled to death in the battle field.
Consequently, he fell into serious mental complication of mind sickness sinfully; and was unable to get along with normally with people later on.
Formally, he was a leader of their squad, a heroic type of person, usually made jokes with their group which laughed at Dong-Ho acting for his poetic nonsense.
Then, he by chance met a whore in an inn who would dumbly at aside speechless always. He was most satisfied with her mood. One day she unexpectedly complained that she did not like to live any longer. In answering, he gave a knife to her, sometime later she killed herself. Hyon-Tai was accused of urging people to kill and was later being sentenced to life-imprisonment.
According to Erich Fromm’s depicted comments. In case of the one who tends to escape from the psychological Mechanism, there are 3 kinds of person that fitted to the type of figures as depicted in this book.
Firstly, these who aimed to escape from authoritarianism and to discard from independence, looking for trustworthy authoritative entity and activities, becoming bound into it.
Here Hyon-Tai had been in the war’s frontier, was gladly to be returned home and led an ordinary citizen live hood who was shameful about his killing one, of innocent woman that leasing the suicide of Dong-Ho. He afterwards faltered absent mindedly in life. He had attempted to avoid the war to its utmost stage of limit, who considered himself a winner, a predator. Yun-Gu made use of Hyon-Tai exited emotion in money-spending and he himself enjoyed his beneficial gains, taking in place of his weakness and disappointing heart.
Secondly, in self-destroying escaping, Hyon-Tai disregarding himself at last step to forget his own weakness. Both Dong-Ho and Hyon-Tai were unable to adept the Korea war stage and its miserable, they finally lost their lives.
Thirdly in escaping the Social Mechanism ways, people fretted in their daily livelihood seemed to be like a robot.
In this book Suk would not endure of her realist fate, though fretted she can fronted her wounds with motherly devotion.
The author Hwang Soon-Won depicted critically youth’s vexations in uncertainly and weakened mentality showing their inability to overcome their weakness. He, the author claimed not to avoid confronting realistic, but to fact them and accept frets, and then sought to overcome them.
Suk, the young woman as well as the others, were in faced quite healthy and self- conscious.
The author bestowed an outer looking of masculine characters to the femininely female with approved certainty mind, and a brilliant outlook, was to be appreciated.
목 차
I. 서 론---------------------------------------- 1
1.황순원의 작품세계 ---------------------------- 1
2.연구사 검토 및 문제 제기----------------------- 6
3.연구방법 및 연구 범위 ------------------------ 11

II. 작품분석 ------------------------------------ 17
1.시대배경------------- --------------------- 17
2.유리와 비탈의 상징적 의미 ---------------------19

III. 작중인물의 양상 ------------------------------ 33
1.순수의 파멸과 죄의식- 동호 ------------------- 34
2.부적응과 죄의식- 현태 ----------------------- 47
3.절망의 무신론자- 선우 이등상사 ---------------- 58
4.냉철한 현실주의자- 윤구 --------------------- 63
5.상처의 극복과 미래의 희망- 숙 ----------------- 66
참 고 문 헌
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