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研究生(外文):Wang Li Ting
論文名稱(外文):The guest makes and melts degree cognition of consumer and research of behavior influence - Take individual character card as an example
指導教授(外文):Cheng, Shao-Cheng
外文關鍵詞:customization、customer perception、consumer behavior、Personality
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本研究透過文獻探討發現,Alexander(1999)認為如果企業能做好客製化服務,滿足消費者需求,則將能增加消費者的購買意願,提高公司利潤,亦即能滿足消費者獨特性的需求。緣此,本研究引申Walters(1978)、Dodds, Monroe, and Grewal(1991)與Friedman & Rosenman(1959)的觀念,探討客製化、人格特質、消費者認知與消費者行為之關係。本研究以客製化為自變數,探討客製化與消費者行為之關係,並透過消費者認知為中介機制與人格特質為干擾機制,以進一步釐清變數間之關係。
Changing in the face of market environment Pi of domestic credit card, the hairpin bank is under facing industry's environment with keen competition, should think how to strengthen the relation with customer, meet the consumer demand, improve the issued volume of the credit card and bring the larger profit to enterprises.
This research probes into finding through documents, Alexander (1999)Think if enterprises can make melting to serve hospitably, meet the consumer demand, can increase consumers' purchase will, raise company's profit, can also meet consumer's uniqueness' demands.
This of the edge, this research amplifies Walters (1978), Dodds, Monroe, and Grewal(1991) And Friedman & Rosenman (1959)Idea,probe into guest make take, personality the specialities, consumer relation with consumer behaviour not cognitive.
This research makes and turns an independent variable with the guest, probe into the guest and make and melt the relation with consumer behaviour, and for intermediary's mechanism and the personality speciality, in order to interfere the mechanism through consumer's cognition, in order to distinguish the relation of one of parameters further.
This research regards having consumers who apply for the qualification of the credit card as the target of samples, the questionnaire divides into guest making and melting and having no guest to make and melt two kinds of questionnaires.
Have guest is it take questionnaire retrieve 240 effectively, have guest is it take questionnaire retrieve 230 effectively to make to make, in order to enable studying the consistency of reaching, so two kinds of questionnaires regard 230 random samplings as the source to study statistical data.
Return to through stratum whole analysis result of way show guest is it is it can produce a apparent one to influence to consumer behaviour to take to make, in addition, it is apparent that consumers is it take to make to serving with the intermediary result of the consumer behaviour in cognition and to its relation; The special confrontation guest of personality has no reciprocation to exist with consumer's cognition to melt to make.
內容目錄  ...................... v i i
表目錄  ...................... ix
圖目錄  ..................... xi
第一章  緒論................... 1
  第一節  研究背景與動機............... 1
  第二節  研究問題與目的............... 4
第二章  文獻探討................. 8
  第一節  客製化概念.............. 8
  第二節  消費者認知.............. 14
  第三節  消費者行為.............. 23
  第四節  人格特質............... 27
  第五節  信用卡相關文獻整理與探討......... 35
第三章  研究方法................. 43
  第一節  研究架構............... 43
  第二節  研究假設............... 44
  第三節  變數之操作性定義........... 49
  第四節  問卷設計............... 52
  第五節  資料蒐集與統計分析........... 57
第四章  資料分析................. 59
  第一節  基本資料分析............. 59
  第二節  研究變數之基本分析.......... 68
  第三節  皮爾森積差相關分析.......... 70
第四節  階層迴歸分析............. 71
第五章  結論及建議................ 81
  第一節  結論................. 81
  第二節  管理意涵................. 85
  第三節  實務上建議................. 87
參考文獻 ..................... 90
附錄-研究問卷 ........................ 103

表 1-1 信用卡發卡數量統計表............... 5
表 2-1 傳統行銷與一對一行銷之比較............. 9
表 2-2 客製化之相關研究.................... 12
表 2-3 企業形象之相關研究................ 19
表 2-4 消費者行為之相關研究.................... 25
表 2-5 各學者有關「人格」的定義彙總表................ 29
表 2-6 各學者有關「特質」的定義彙總表................ 30
表 2-7 各學者有關「人格特質」的定義彙總表............ 31
表 2-8 信用卡相關之研究.................... 38
表 3-1 問卷設計結構.................... 52
表 3-2 有客製化所對應之問項................ 53
表 3-3 無客製化所對應之問項.................... 53
表 3-4 企業形象所對應之問項.................... 54
表 3-5 品牌認知所對應之問項.................... 55
表 3-6 消費者行為所對應之問項.................. 55
表 3-7 人格特質所對應之問項.......................... 55
表 3-8 依年齡區分信用卡持卡占有率.................... 57
表 4-1 有客製化信用卡持卡張數...................... 60
表 4-2 無客製化信用卡持卡張數...................... 61
表 4-3 有客製化信用卡持卡時間....................... 61
表 4-4 無客製化信用卡持卡時間...................... 62
表 4-5 有客製化每月平均刷卡金額...................... 63
表 4-6 無客製化每月平均刷卡金額...................... 63
表 4-7 有客製化每月平均刷卡金額...................... 63
表 4-8 無客製化每月平均刷卡金額...................... 63
表 4-9 有客製化性別分佈.......................... 64
表 4-10 無客製化性別分佈.......................... 64
表 4-11 有客製化年齡層分佈.......................... 65
表 4-12 無客製化年齡層分佈.......................... 65
表 4-13 有客製化教育程度分佈.......................... 66
表 4-14 無客製化教育程度分佈.......................... 66
表 4-15 有客製化職業分佈.......................... 67
表 4-16 無客製化職業分佈.......................... 67
表 4-17 消費者認知信度檢測.......................... 69
表 4-18 消費者行為量表信度檢測....................... 69
表 4-19 各變數之Pearson簡單相關係數................... 71
表 4-20 辦卡意願之迴歸分析結果....................... 72
表 4-21 使用頻率之迴歸分析結果....................... 73
表 4-22 消費者認知之迴歸分析結果...................... 74
表 4-23 辦卡意願之迴歸分析結果....................... 75
表 4-24 使用頻率之迴歸分析結果....................... 75
表 4-25 消費者認知對辦卡意願之中介效果檢定之迴歸分析表. 76
表 4-26 消費者認知對使用頻率之中介效果檢定之迴歸分析表. 78
表 4-27 人格特質對消費者認知之迴歸分析結果........... 79
表 4-28 人格特質對消費者認知之干擾效果檢定之迴歸分析表. 80
表 5-1 本研究之假設檢定結果彙總..................... 81

圖 2- 1 客製化概念的由來............... 9
圖 3- 1 研究架構.................. 43
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