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研究生(外文):Liu Chien An
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Mobile Phone Fraud Management
指導教授(外文):Dwen-Ren Tsai
外文關鍵詞:Mobile Phone FraudFraud managementDecision TreeBayes ClassifierNeural NetworkData Mining
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The study made a definition on mobile phone fraud management. The study analyzed on the reasons why those fraudsters want to take advantage of mobile phone fraud and discussion the influence of these fraud actions for mobile phone operators. The study also classified the national and international fraud categories by the usage of technical and non-technical.

The study addressed that use artificial intelligence to assist the results analysis. Fur-thermore, it addressed the process of fraud management, the suggestions for manage-ment strategy. We hope the study can help mobile phone operators to deal properly with fraud actions and reduce the profit lost and bad debts. It can also help to alert those fraudsters who want to crime by the way of mobile phone.

The study analysis result showed that via sorting the suspect list with high probability forecast could get the accurate result. From the study results, we can also found that via sorting these two combined forecasts would get accurate forecast than single one. Therefore, the study can prove that sorting by artificial intelligence first, then we can ask customer service staffs to interview with those suspect users. With these two steps, mobile phone operators can improve the competence and efficiency in fraud manage-ment.

In conclusion, the study addressed that fraud action modes analysis via artificial intelli-gence. If mobile phone operators could find out more different fraud categories, sift out same user categories, and then sorting these categories together with fraud action analy-sis modes and artificial intelligence. Pass those results for customer services staffs for further interview. Following up by the above process, mobile phone operators would reduce their profit lost substantially.
中文摘要 ..................... iii
英文摘要 ..................... iv
誌謝辭  ..................... v
內容目錄 ..................... vi
表目錄  ..................... viii
圖目錄  ..................... ix
第一章  緒論................... 1
  第一節  研究動機............... 1
  第二節  研究目的............... 2
  第三節  研究範圍............... 5
  第四節  研究限制............... 6
  第五節  論文架構............... 6
第二章  行動電話電信詐欺介紹........... 7
  第一節  行動電話電信詐欺定義......... 7
  第二節  行動電話電信詐欺者的利益....... 8
  第三節  電信詐欺對行動電話業者的影響..... 10
  第四節  行動電話詐欺類型........... 11
第三章  行動電話詐欺管理............. 26
  第一節  行動電話詐欺管理策略......... 27
  第二節  行動電話服務詐欺管理偵測方法..... 29
  第三節  行動電話詐欺管理流程建議....... 32
  第四節  資料挖掘之簡介............. 38
第四章  研究架構與資料分析............ 51
  第一節  研究架構............... 51
  第二節  研究資料準備............... 53
  第三節  實驗資料分析............. 59
  第四節  人工智慧分析............. 61
第五章  結論及未來研究.............. 83
  第一節  結論................. 83
  第二節  未來研究............... 86
參考文獻 ..................... 88
附錄 1  測試資料列表...............
附錄 2  驗證資料列表...............
附錄 3  以客戶編號排序之客服訪談順序.......
附錄 4  以決策樹預測結果與客戶編號排序之客服訪談順

     序.................... 111
附錄 5  以貝氏機率預測結果與客戶編號排序之客服訪談

     順序................... 115
附錄 6  以貝氏機率預測結果、決策樹與客戶編號排序之

     客服訪談順序............... 119
附錄 7  以客戶當月總金額排序之客服訪談順序....
附錄 8  以決策樹預測結果與客戶當月總金額排序之客服

     訪談順序................. 127
附錄 9  以貝氏機率預測結果與客戶當月總金額排序之客

     服訪談順序................ 131
附錄10  以貝氏機率預測結果、決策樹預測結果與客戶當

     月總金額排序之客服訪談順序........ 135
附錄11  以類神經網路預測結果與客戶當月總金額排序之

     客服訪談順序............... 139
附錄12  以類神經網路、貝氏機率、決策樹預測結果與客

     戶當月總金額排序之客服訪談順序...... 143
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