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研究生(外文):Fu-may Liou
論文名稱(外文):The Relationship between Teaching Performance and Charismatic Leadership:A Empirical Study of National Taichung Institute of Technology
外文關鍵詞:teaching performancestudent ratings of teachersteaching charisma
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本論文提出之評鑑量表,量尺格式採Likert-type之五點量表 (1:非常不同意,2:不同意,3:普通,4:同意,5:非常同意)。該量表係參考Shevlin, Banyard, Davies,Griffiths &; Mark等人於2000年所歸納出之教學表現評鑑範圍,此外亦參酌國內所發展的學生評鑑教師教學量表(黃瓊蓉,1998、林珊如,1999、張德勝,2003、潘靖瑛,2004、陳美慧,2004、葉連祺等人,2005),同時參採Kudisch等人、Archer及 Lunenburg所提出之魅力領導因素,認為魅力較具滿意度的影響,並等同於提供ㄧ個有效的教學表現。本研究初步提出一個以「教學表現」即具「教師魅力」之概念為核心,其中有6個構面評鑑因素,用以測量20個評鑑項目( 樣本數N=1108) 之完整SEM(Structural Equation Modeling)模型,其中有16個外衍觀測變項,4個內衍觀測變項、4個外衍潛在變項(教學態度、教學方法、作業與評量、專業知能)、2個內衍潛在變項(教學表現、教師魅力)等。
Teachers’ teaching performance evaluation instruments that have been used domestically and abroad include superior-subordinate Evaluation, committee evaluation, peer evaluation, student evaluation, alumni evaluation, student performance evaluation, classroom-based teaching videotaping, teaching observation evaluation, portfolios evaluation, etc. Among them, the instrument of student ratings of teachers is commonly applied in colleges and universities.

However, in spite of good intentions of student ratings of teachers, the instrument does not possess any values for reference if credibility and validity fail to achieve. Meanwhile, once the instrument serves as a tool for teachers’ promotion, employment, rewarding or punishment, its contents need to be rigid with high credibility and validity, reflecting teaching efficiency and meeting changes in teaching environment. Nicholls (2003) suggested each institute should apply an evaluation model adapted to its own cultures and that assessment should further be made to examine credibility and validity concerning the model and evaluation process.

This paper proposed a Likert-type five-point evaluation instrument (with one point of strongly disagree, two points disagree, three points no opinion, four points agree, and five points strongly agree). This instrument consisted of items of teaching performance evaluation, which were categorized by Shevlin, Banyard, Davies,Griffiths and Marke in 2000. Besides, a number of instruments of student ratings of teachers developed domestically were also adopted (Huang, 1998; Lin, 1999; Chang, 2003; Pan, 2004; Chen, 2004, etc). In addition, charismatic leadership factors suggested by Kudish, Archer and Lunenburg were also applied. This paper initially put forward a core concept: teaching performance bringing teaching charisma. With six subscales of evaluation, twenty evaluation items of structural equation modeling were measured (the number of the samples was 1108). Among the items, there are 16 exogenous variables, 4 endogenous variables, 4 exogenous latent variables (teaching attitudes, teaching methods, homework and assessment, professional knowledge and skills) and 2 endogenous latent variables (teaching performance and teaching charisma).

This paper reviewed literature abroad and island-wide, analyzed and compared factors involved in student ratings of teachers and then the following four competition models were designed: first-order factor model, orthogonal model, oblique model, and second-order factor model. The subjects were 4-year students of National Taichung Institute of Technology. By SPSS and SEM analysis, the second-order factor model was proved as the best matching model. Finally, this paper discussed the relations between teaching performance and teaching charisma and found out they are significantly positively related with coefficient of correlation reaching 0.87. Therefore, it is recommended that teaching charisma should be put into consideration in student ratings of teachers so that actual teaching efficacy can be reflected.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 2
第二節 研究目的 5
第三節 研究範圍 6
第四節 重要名詞解釋 7
第二章 文獻探討 8
第一節 教學評鑑之意涵與基本概念 8
第二節 學生評鑑教師教學的意涵與緣起 15
第三節 教學表現之定義與內涵 28
第四節 教師魅力之理論與研究 42
第五節 教學表現與教師魅力之關係 55
第三章 研究方法 60
第一節 研究步驟 60
第二節 研究假設 62
第三節 變項衡量與操作型定義 64
第四節 抽樣計畫 66
第五節 量表的編製 67
第六節 研究設計 72
第七節 資料分析方法 78
第八節 信、效度之分析方法 80
第四章 結果與討論 87
第一節 共變數矩陣 87
第二節 信效度分析 89
第三節 教學表現競爭模式分析 95
第四節 教師魅力配適度分析 107
第五節 假設模式配適度分析 111
第六節 假設模式修正 117
第七節 假設模式複核效化 122
第五章 結論與建議 124
第一節 研究結果 124
第二節 管理意涵 128
第三節 建議與限制 130
參考書目 132
中文部份 132
外文部份 135
附錄 138
附錄一、學生評鑑教師教學問卷調查表各構面、題項內容及參考資料來源 138
附錄二、教師教學意見調查問卷(前測) 141
附錄三、學生評鑑教師教學預試量表衡量效度分析 144
附錄四、假設模型競爭之評鑑結果比較表 145
附錄五、教師教學意見調查問卷(正式版) 146
附錄六、學生評鑑教師教學量表之信效度分析(21題整體量表) 148
附錄七、國立臺中技術學院教師教學意見調查實施辦法 149
附錄八、臺中技術學院日間部94學年度第1學期課程教學意見調查表 150
附錄九、美國實施學生評鑑教師教學的歷史演進 151
附錄十、學生評鑑教師教學的相關干擾因素 154
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