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研究生(外文):Chia-Yi Li
論文名稱(外文):Writing the Unlived Life:Jungian Individuation in Alice Walker''s The Temple of My Familiar
指導教授(外文):Patricia Haseltine
外文關鍵詞:integrationthe unconscioussymbolsAlice WalkerJungian individuation
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本論文始於對小說中各章節前之圖騰的觀察及藝術與治療之探討。第二章,探究榮格個體化過程理論。潛意識的體現--人格面具、陰影、阿尼瑪、阿尼瑪斯--亦藉由小說中Suwelo, Arveyda,和Fanny的故事展現。第三章中,進一步依據榮格的觀點,探索心理世界的運轉機制及我們的思維方式。並以其中之「主觀要素」闡述夢及藝術作品為潛意識浮現的場域。第四章解析潛意識的語言--象徵。類比Lissie夢中的殿堂與愛麗絲.渥克的這本小說,這篇論文假設殿堂中的寵靈與小說中六個動物圖騰所組合而成的創造物,分別為Lissie及愛麗絲.渥克「自性」的象徵。第五章結論,詮釋愛麗絲.渥克於<<寵靈的殿堂>>一書的寫作經驗。以藝術創作為媒介,愛麗絲.渥克如其筆下之人物,接觸到來自潛意識補償機制的訊息,擴展自我的認知,並醞釀著各自的個體化過程。

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the possibility of reading artistic creativity in Alice Walker''s The Temple of My familiar as the vehicle for Jungian individuation. In this novel, the plots of oppression, resistance, and liberation are the main stages, whereas the vehicles—dreams, arts, and symbols—bridge the sufferings and enable the transformations in the psychic world. And the growth deriving from the integration of the conscious and the unconscious is the Jungian individuation process.

I start this thesis with observations on the drawings ahead of each chapter and discussion of the healing function of the arts, while in Chapter Two, the doctrine of the individuation process is manifest in the stories of Suwelo, Arveyda, and Fanny through the personifications of their unconscious—persona, shadow, anima, aminus. In Chapter Three, I explore further the notion of our psyche and our ways of thinking according to C. G. Jung''s perspective as applicable to Walker''s creativity. The subjective components help reason out that dreams and arts are the grounds where the unconscious emerges. In Chapter Four, I focus on the symbols in the novel, the language of the unconscious. Analogizing Miss Lissie''s dream of her temple to Alice Walker''s novel, I suppose Lissie''s familiar and the creature combined by the six drawings are the symbols of Self. All the four chapters lead to an interpretation of Alice Walker''s creative experience in writing this novel. And I come to the conclusion in Chapter Five that through artistic creation, Alice Walker, like the characters in her novel, gets compensating messages from her unconscious psyche, broadens her self-understanding, and is in the process of psychological individuation.
Table of Contents

Chinese Abstract.......................................i
English Abstract.....................................iii

Chapter I : Introduction...............................1

Chapter II: Individuation: Integrating the Conscious and
the Unconscious........... 14
Suwelo and his Persona ...................20
Fanny and her Animus .....................24
Arveyda and his Anima.....................27

Chapter III: Dreams and Arts: Where the Unconscious
Ectopsychic Sphere and Endopsychic Sphere.32
Directed Thinking and Fantasy Thinking....39
Miss Lissie & her Dreams................. 44
Arveyda & his Music ......................51

Chapter IV: Symbols: The Language of the Unconscious..55
The Temple: The Novel Is Like a Temple....57
The Familiar: The Symbol of the Self......61
Liberation: The Message from the Unconscious

Chapter V : Conclusion................................74

Works Cited...........................................83
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