Works Cited
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Films: Campbell, Joseph. Interviewed with Bill Moyer. Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth. New York: Mystic Fire Video, 2001. The Exorcism of Emily Rose. Dir. Scott Derrickson. Perf. Laura Linney, Tom Wilkinson, and Campbell Scott. 2005. Sony Pictures, 2005. Freddy''s Dead: The Final Nightmare. Dir. Rachel Talalay. Perf. Lezlie Deane, Lisa Zane, Robert Englund. 1991. New Line Cinema, 2000. Friday the Thirteen. Dir. Sean S. Cunningham. Perf. Betsy Palmer, Adrienne King, and Harry Crosby. 1980. DVD. Paramount Pictures, 1999. The Grudge. Dir. Takashi Shimizu. Perf. Sarah Michelle Gellar, Jason Behr, and William Mapother. 2004. Sony Picture, 2005. Halloween H2O. Dir. Steven Miner. Perf. Jamie Lee Curtis, Josh Hartnett, and Adam Arkin. 1998. Dimension, 1999. A Nightmare on Elm Street. Dir. Wes Craven. Perf. Heather Langenkamp, Johnny Depp, Robert Englund. 1984. New Line Cinema, 1999. A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy''s Revenge. Dir. Jack Sholder. Perf. Kim Mayer, Mark Patton, Robert Englund. 1985. DVD. New Line Cinema, 2000. A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors. Dir. Chuck Russell. Perf. Heather Langenkamp, Patricia Arquette, Robert Englund. 1987. New Line Cinema, 1999. A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master. Dir. Renny Harlin. Pref. Lisa Wilcox, Rodney Eastman, and Robert Englund. 1988. New Line Cinema, 2000. A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child. Dir. Stephen Hopkins. Perf. Erika Anderson, Lisa Wilcox, Robert Englund. 1989. New Line Cinema, 1999. Psycho. Dir. Alfred Hitchcock. Perf. Anthony Perkins, Janet Leigh, Vera Miles. 1960. Universal City Studios, 1998. Red Dragon. Dir. Brett Ratner. Perf. Anthony Hopkins, Edward Norton. 2002 Universal Studio, 2003. The Ring. Dir. Gore Verbinski. Perf. Naomi Watts, Martin Henderson, and Brian Cox. 2002. Dream Works, 2003. Scream. Dir. Wes Craven. Perf. David Arquette, Nave Campbell, and Courteney Cox. 1996. Walt Disney, 1997. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Dir. Marcus Nispel. Perf. Jessica Biel, Jonathan Tucker, and Erica Leerhsen. 2003. New Line Cinema, 2004. The Wizard of Oz. Dir. Victor Fleming. Perf. Judy Garland, Frank Morgan, Ray Bolger. 1919. MGM/UA Home Video, 1939. Wes Craven’s New Nightmare. Dir. Wes Craven. Perf. Heather Langenkamp, Miko Hughes, Robert Englund, Wes Craven. 1994. New line Cinema, 2000.