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研究生(外文):Yu-Ling Erin
論文名稱(外文):Filmic Representation of Carnal Inter-subjectivity: A Study of the Reciprocal Relation between Charlie Kaufman''s Films and Maurice Merleau-Ponty''s Phenomenology
指導教授(外文):Ming-May Jessie Chen
外文關鍵詞:Maurice Merleau-PontyIntersubjectivityEmbodimentCharlie KaufmanFleshBody-SubjectReversibilityPhenomenology of Perception
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Since French philosopher Rene Descartes advocated Mind-Body Dualism in the seventeenth century, the way how the movement of body and mind carries out their interaction has become an inextricable controversy. Among these controversies, Merleau-Ponty should be the first philosopher who should be given a needed acknowledgement for the importance of the human body to the philosophical study. He proposed that human body can not be regarded as pure subject or object. He explained his philosophy largely through living experience such as seeing and touching as well as artworks such as paintings and films to clarify his theory. In this regard, film as a ground of the representation of images can be a valuable text to examine Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology. By applying Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology to Kaufman’s films, this study hopes to explore the profound meaning deeply buried under the appearance of images and Kaufman’s thoughts.

The thesis is divided into five chapters. Chapter One introduces the philosophical context of the mind-body problem and the development of the relationship between phenomenology and cinema. Chapter Two focuses on Merleau-Ponty’s concept of body-subject and the notion of flesh and their application to Kaufman’s film works. Chapter Three investigates the reversibility of carnal inter-subjectivity as a feature of representation in Kaufman’s films. Chapter Four examines the representation of embodied subject in hope of finding some alternative perspectives on the understanding of the self. Chapter Five concludes that film and philosophy can reciprocally benefit each other through the interdisciplinary study. Through exploration of the information of body, this study finds an endless yet meaningful “conversation” between Merleau-Ponty and Kaufman and also believes that “marriage” of philosophy and film should be very promising.
Table of Contents

Chinese Abstract………………………………………………………………… iii
English Abstract………………………………………………………………… iv
Table of Contents……………………………………………………………… vi

Chapter I Introduction………………………………………………… 1
A. Statement of Problems……………………………………… 3
B. Theoretical Approaches…………………………………… 4
C. Charlie Kaufman as Auteur……………………………… 8
Chapter II The Information of the Lived Body…………………………… 14
A. Being as Body-Subject……………………………………16
1. Puppet on the String……………………………………17
2. Body as a Meaningful Core…………………………… 20
3. Irresistible Impulsion of the Body 22
B. Being as Flesh of the World………………………………… 24
1. Openness to John Malkovich…………………………… 24
2. Journey to the Reduction……………………………… 26
3. Inside and Outside……………………………………… 30
Chapter III The Flesh of the Life World 34
A. The Transitional Body……………………………………… 38
1. Being a Synchronic Perceiver………………………… 38
2. Self-identification Arisen From Naming……………… 42

B. Inter-subjectivity and Inter-corporeality…………………… 45
1. The Reversibility of Subject and Object……………… 47
2. Filmic Adaptation as Mutation of Its Source Novel…… 52

C. A Continuity of Embodied experience……………………… 58
1. Map of Clementine……………………………………… 58
2. Eternal Recurrence of the Memory…………………… 63
Chapter IV The Representation of Embodied Subject…………………… 69
A. Going In and Out ………………………………………… 72

1. Gaze—To See Is to Believe…………………………… 72

2. Body—Sense-ability and Response-ability…………… 74
B. Exploring the Depth of Human Beings…………………… 78
1. Confession as Remedy for the Irreducible……………… 78
2. The Indecipherable Speech of the Incarnate Subject…… 79
C. Blurring the Borderline…………………………………… 83
1. To See Is to Perceive…………………………………… 84
2. Cubist Screenwriting…………………………………… 87
Chapter V Conclusion…………………………………………………… 90
A. Filmic Philosophy—Philosophy Goes On the Screen……… 90
B. Philosophical Film—Body is a body is a body is a body… 94
Works Cited ………………………………………………………………… 97
Works Cited

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Online Resources:

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