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研究生(外文):Jheng-Hua Lin
論文名稱(外文):Degradation rates and physicochemical properties of rice and corn starches with different amylose contents treated in methanol containing hydrochloric acid
指導教授(外文):Yung-Ho Chang
外文關鍵詞:starchacid-methanol treatmentdegradation ratephysicochemical propertiesmolecular structure
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本研究針對不同直鏈澱粉含量之稻米(台中糯70、台農67及台中秈17)及玉米(糯玉米、一般玉米及Hylon V)澱粉探討酸-甲醇處理澱粉之分子降解速率及理化性質,研究中先於25 °C含0.36%鹽酸之甲醇中處理澱粉1~15天後,再分三個部分進行探討:(1)分析不同處理時間所得降解澱粉之分子量並計算其降解速率,且探討澱粉酸-甲醇處理降解速率與澱粉分子結構之相關性;(2)比較不同酸-甲醇處理澱粉理化性質之差異,如顆粒結構、結晶結構、溶解度及糊化熱性質等,以了解酸-甲醇處理對澱粉理化性質之影響;及(3)分析酸-甲醇處理澱粉之回凝熱性質,以探討酸-甲醇處理對澱粉回凝性質之影響。
結果顯示,所選用之澱粉經酸-甲醇處理後其顆粒回收率均高於91%。澱粉分子於酸-甲醇處理過程呈現二階段降解過程,分別為降解速率較慢的第一期及速率較快的第二期。所選用之糯性澱粉於降解第一期所需的時間明顯較非糯性澱粉者短;澱粉之直鏈澱粉含量相近時,米澱粉於降解第一期所需的時間較玉米澱粉者短,且降解第二期的降解速率亦較快。研究中探討之六種澱粉的第二期降解速率與澱粉之支鏈澱粉分支鏈的短長鏈比呈顯著(p < 0.05)負相關性(r = -0.886),並與支鏈澱粉分支鏈的多分散性(polydispersity)呈顯著(p < 0.05)正相關性(r = 0.859)。
糊化後之澱粉糊於4 °C貯存7天後再分析其回凝熱性質,結果得知除台中秈17及一般玉米澱粉外,酸-甲醇處理澱粉之回凝程度均顯著上升;台中秈17及一般玉米澱粉於酸-甲醇處理前後之回凝程度並無顯著差異。酸-甲醇處理台中糯70、台農67、糯玉米及Hylon V澱粉之回凝程度與其平均分子量之對數值均呈顯著一次線性相關性(r2>780, p<0.05),隨酸-甲醇處理澱粉平均分子量下解,澱粉之回凝程度隨之上升,其中又以糯性澱粉(台中糯70及糯玉米澱粉斜率分別為-25.42及-13.98)上升程度高於非糯性澱粉者(台中秈17及Hylon V澱粉斜率分別為-11.51及-2.83)。
For deliberating the degradation rate and physicochemical properties of acid-methanol treated starch, the mild condition (25 g starch treated in 100 mL methanol containing 0.36% HCl at 25 °C) of acid-methanol treatment was selected in this study. Rice (TCW70, TNG67 and TCS17) and corn (waxy corn, normal corn and Hylon V) starches with different amylose contents were acid-methanol treated with different periods of time (from 1 to 15 days). The aims of this study are to investigate (1) the degradation rates of starches treated in acid-methanol by monitoring the molecular weight of starch treated for different time periods, and the relations between physicochemical properties of native starch and degradation rate of starch treated with acid-methanol; (2) the changes of physicochemical properties of starch, such as molecular structure, granular structure, crystalline structure, solubility, gelatinization thermal properties, after acid-methanol treatment; and (3) the retrogradation properties, determined by differential scanning colorimeter (DSC), of acid-methanol treated starches with different treatment times.
Results indicate that the granule recovery yield of acid-methanol treated starches were higher than 91%. Two-stage molecular degradation pattern was found for the starches studied during acid-methanol treatment; namely, the slow (first) and the rapid (second) degradation stages. Waxy starches showed a shorter time period of the first stage than non-waxy starches. Rice starch showed a shorter time period of the first stage and a higher degradation rate of the second stage than the counterpart corn starch with similar amylose content. In spite of the botanical source and amylose content of starch, the degradation rate of starch in the second stage significantly (p &lt; 0.05) correlated to the S/L ratio (ratio of the weight percentage of short chain divided by the weight percentage of long chain of amylopectin) (r = -0.886) and polydispersity (r = 0.859) of amylopectin branch chains of native starch.
Starches retained its granular structure after acid-methanol treated; only slightly decreased on the granule size and fissures or cavities inside the granules of TCS17 and corn starches after treated were observed. Minor changes on double helix content and crystallinity of starches treated with acid-methanol were also observed. Amylose and long chain of amylopectin of starch were preferentially degraded during acid-methanol treatment. The solubility of starches measured at 65 to 95 °C profoundly increased after acid-methanol treatment and the gelatinization temperature ranges of treated starches also obviously increased with increasing treatment time. However, minor changes on ΔHG between treated starches and the counterpart native starch were observed.
After aging at 4 °C for 7days, the reorder enthalpy (ΔHR) of acid-methanol treated starches increased, except for TCS17 and normal corn starches. Less obvious differences among acid-methanol treated starches and native starch for TCS17 and normal corn starches were found. The ΔHR of TCW70, TNG67, waxy corn and Hylon V starches significantly (r2&gt;664, p&lt;0.05) correlated with the DPw. The decrement on DPw to the increment of ΔHR of non-waxy starches (slope =-1.303 and -0.334 for TNG67 and Hylon V starch, respectively) was obviously lower than that of waxy starches (slope =-3.594 and -2.015 for TCW70 and waxy corn starch, respectively).
Results of studies indicate that that most of starch molecule chains are still restrained in granules even though the degradation of starch molecules is profound. The granular structure and/or crystalline was rearranged during treatment, and the degradation of starch granule occurred mainly in amorphous region. This implies that the degradation of starch treated by acid-methanol may degrade, but not erode, the molecular chain in amorphous region. The degradation of starch increases the mobility of branch chains or molecules of gelatinized starch, which further increases the reorder of acid-methanol treated starch during aging. However, the presence of amylose limits the movement of gelatinized starch molecules, thus less changes on retrogradation of non-waxy starches after acid-methanol treatment were observed.
摘要 I
Abstract III
Contents VI
Graph Contents VIII
Table Contents X
Literature review 1
1. Acid hydrolyzed starch 1
(1) Mechanisms of acid hydrolysis 2
(2) Degradation kinetics of acid-hydrolysis starch 4
(3) Factors affecting the rate and extent of starch
hydrolysis 10
(4) Physicochemical properties of acid-hydrolysis
starch 13
2. Acid-alcohol modification of starch 31
(1) Mechanisms on acid-alcohol treatment of starch 32
(2) Degradation kinetics of acid-alcohol treated
starch 33
(3) Effect of treatment conditions on degradation rate
or extent of acid-alcohol treated starch 34
(4) Physicochemical properties of acid-alcohol treated
starch 36
3. Application of acid-modified starch 37
Purpose of this study 39
Framework of this study 42
Part I: Molecular degradation rate of rice and corn
starches during acid-methanol treatment and its
relation to the molecular structure of starch 43
1. Introduction 44
2. Materials and methods 46
3. Results and discussion 53
3.1. Physicochemical properties of native starch 53
3.2. Recovery and molecular weight distribution of
acid-methanol treated starch 59
3.3. Degradation rate of starches 63
3.4. Correlations between molecular structure of native
starch and its degradation during acid-methanol
treatment 70
4. Conclusions 73
Part II: Changes on physicochemical properties of corn
and rice starches with different amylose
contents after acid-methanoltreatment 75
1. Introduction 76
2. Materials and methods 77
3. Results and discussion 81
3.1. Granule size, morphology and cross-section of
starch granules 81
3.2. Double helix content and Crystallinity of
starch 85
3.3. Chain length distribution of starches 89
3.4. Solubility of starches 103
3.5. Gelatinization thermal properties of starches 106
4. Conclusions 112
Part III: Effect of acid-methanol treatment on
retrogradation thermal properties of rice
and corn starches 115
1. Introduction 116
2. Materials and methods 118
3. Results and discussion 119
3.1. Retrogradation thermal properties of acid-methanol
treated waxy starches 119
3.2. Retrogradation thermal properties of acid-methanol
treated non-waxy starches 124
3.3. Correlations between retrogradation thermal
properties and chain length distribution parameters
of acid-methanol treated waxy starches 132
3.4. Correlations between retrogradation thermal
properties and chain length distribution
parameters of acid-methanol treated non-waxy starches 135
4. Conclusions 137
Publications 140
Bibliography 141
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