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研究生(外文):Jian-hung Lin
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Factors Affecting Underpricing on the IPOs:Analysis from Information Asymmetric Attribute
指導教授(外文):Yueh-Yu Hsu
外文關鍵詞:underpricinginformation asymmetricearning managemet
  • 被引用被引用:1
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This paper tests what factors affecting underpricing on the IPOs in information asymmetric attribute. And to examine the relationship between earnings management before the offering and initial/long-run market performance of initial public offerings. The samples of research come from 135 firms on the TSEC market from 1998 to 2005, using multiple regression models to provide evidence and analyze. The empirical findings of this research are as follows:

1.Initial abnormal returns commonly exist in Taiwan’s stock market. On average, the initial abnormal return listed on the TSEC is 9.606%, and the long-turn abnormal return is 8.343%. The initial abnormal return is apparently higher than long-turn abnormal return.

2.Our result shows that the Initial abnormal return is negatively related to the firm’s size, and postively related to liability ratio and underwriter’s size. This result is supporting the information asymmetric and the signaling hypothesis. Besides, the Initial abnormal return is apparently negative with odds of lottery. In the respect of the IPOs’ long-run abnormal phenomenon, our empirical result shows that the long-run performance is positively related to the discretional accrual and firm’s size, slightly negatively related to the market and the auditor’s quality.

3.This paper provides evidence that managers of issuing firms before the offering have incentive to take advantage of earning management to impact the offering price. Issuers with unusually high discretional accruals in the IPO year experience poor stock return performance in the years thereafter.
第一章 序論...................................................1
第一節 研究動機...........................................1
第二節 研究目的...........................................2
第三節 研究架構...........................................3
第四節 研究流程...........................................4

第二章 文獻探討...............................................5
第一節 首次公開發行後之初期異常報酬.......................6
第二節 首次公開發行後之長期異常報酬......................11
第三節 盈餘管理與首次公開發行後之初期/長期績效表現.......15
第四節 總結..............................................18

第三章 研究方法與設計........................................20
第一節 研究假說..........................................20
第二節 變數及模型的操作性定義............................27
第三節 迴歸模式之建立....................................35
第四節 資料來源及樣本期間................................37

第四章 實證結果與分析........................................39
第一節 迴歸樣本敘述性統計................................39
第二節 迴歸結果之實證分析................................41
第三節 小結..............................................46

第五章 結論..................................................50
第一節 研究結論..........................................50
第二節 研究建議..........................................51
第三節 研究限制..........................................52

參考文獻.................................................... 53

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