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研究生(外文):Ying-Hung Lin
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Tools and Algorithms for 3-D Protein Structures Alignment and Comparison
指導教授(外文):Yaw-Ling Lin
外文關鍵詞:BioinformaticsStructure alignments and comparisons.Structural ProteomicsAlgorithms
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Protein structure represents a powerful means of discovering function, because structure is well conserved over evolutionary time, and it therefore provides the opportunity to recognize homology that is undetectable by sequence comparison. Several techniques are currently available that attempt to find the optimal alignment of shared structural motifs between two proteins.

In this thesis, we propose novel algorithms for pairwise alignment of protein structures. Methods of locating suitable isometric transformations of one structure and aligning it to the other structure are addressed. Our methods allow sequence gaps of any length, reversal of chain direction, and free topological connectivity of atom sequences. Sequential connectivity can be imposed as an option. The method is fully automatic to identify structural resemblances and common structural cores accurately and sensitively, even in the presence of geometrical distortions.
Chinese Abstracti
List of Tablesv
List of Figuresvi
1 Introduction1
1.1 Foreword 1
1.2 Motive and Purpose2
1.3 Background and Literature Review4
1.3.1 FSSP 4
1.3.2 DALI 5
1.3.4 VAST 8
1.3.5 MINAREA 9
1.3.6 LOCK10
1.3.7 3dSEARCH 12
1.3.8 CE14
1.3.9 SCOP 16
1.3.10 CATH 16
1.3.11 LGscore2 16
1.4 Chapter Outline 17
2 Method 18
2.1 Protein (molecular) structure distances, similarities and scoring functions 20
2.2 Finding a suitable rigid transformation for matching structures 22
3 Experiments 27
3.1 Experiment Method 27
3.2 Experimental Result 28
4 Conclusion 31
4.1 Contributions 31
4.2 Future Works 32
Bibliography 33
Vita 39
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