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研究生(外文):Suen Wei-Jr
論文名稱(外文):Impact of Musical Emotion on Designer’s Divergent Thinking
指導教授(外文):Lu Chen-Hui
外文關鍵詞:Musical EmotionRussell’s Circumplex ModelDivergent ThinkingTorrance Test of Creative Thinking
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現代企業治理之道必須是以人為本的,為使員工的優勢和潛力凝聚成企業的核心能力,重視員工的工作情緒和創造性,其重要性絕對是提升企業競爭力的首要條件。本研究關切此議題,將焦點放在營造工作氣氛的背景音樂,探討工業設計師在不同的音樂情緒影響下,其圖形創意思考展開的作業表現是否有所差異。本研究以Russell的環型情緒理論(Circumplex Model) 作為分類音樂情緒方式上的支持理論,操弄變項為「正負向情感」與「喚起程度」的音樂情緒,採取二因子受試者間設計,以「Torrance圖形發散性思考測驗」作為工業設計師的作業表現,評量在不同音樂情境底下,其流暢力、應變力、獨創力、精進力分數之間的差異。



Modern businesses’ management must be based on humans. To channel employees’ advantages and potential into a business’s core abilities and attach importance to their emotion and creativity at work, this is absolutely the foremost condition to enhance an enterprise’s competitiveness. This issue concerns this study, which attempts to focus on background music which creates work atmospheres. The present work will discuss whether there are any differences in originality, thinking and development in their drawings between industrial designers under the influence of different musical emotions. It will draw on James A. Russell’s circumplex model for classifying musical emotions, with “positive valence,” “negative valence” and “arousal level” as manipulated variables. Moreover, a 2×2 between-subjects design will be adopted, and the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking will be used to determine industrial designers’ performance. Under different musical contexts, their fluency, flexibility, originality and elaboration will be evaluated.

In Experiment I aims to get an understanding of the relations between the characteristics of music and emotional response and to select music for experiment. It is found in qualitative interviews that rhythms might be the key factor that causes excitement or quiet, and that tones and melodies seem to be highly relevant to a sense of pleasure.

Experiment II, on the other hand, mainly discusses the effects of “positive valence,” “negative valence” and “arousal level” in music on the four abilities of creative thinking. It is found in the analysis that, first, musical emotion of positive valence contributes positively on the scores of “fluency” and “flexibility,” whereas musical emotion of negative valence is not remarkably different from not listening to music. Second, effects of musical emotion on “originality” vary depending on the time pressure. At low time pressure, positive/negative valences will not have any effects on “originality.” The scores of high arousal levels are generally lower than those of low arousal levels and those of no music situations. At high time pressure, the scores of high arousal levels are generally higher than those of low arousal levels and no music situations. Effects of positive/negative valences on “originality” are dependent on the arousal level condition. Positive valence plus high arousal levels and negative valence plus low arousal levels both have better performance. Third, At low time pressure, different musical emotions have no noticeable effects on the score of “elaboration.” At high time pressure, positive valence plus high arousal levels and negative valence plus low arousal levels both have better performance.

Finally, based on the research results, suggestions with regard to music properties in design work’s environments will be proposed to serve as a reference for future design workers and design companies. By getting an understanding of how to use music to adjust work emotion and creating a better physical and mental work environment, creative thinking can be stimulated.
中文摘要 ............................................................I
誌 謝.............................................................IV
圖 目 錄..........................................................VII
表 目 錄.........................................................VIII
第一章 前言..........................................................2
1.1 研究背景、問題和動機...............................................2
1.1.1 音樂與工作環境..................................................2
1.1.2 音樂對於工作情緒的影響...........................................3
1.1.3 音樂激發創作靈感................................................4
1.2 研究議題.........................................................6
1.3 研究目的.........................................................7
1.4 研究架構.........................................................8
第二章 文獻探討.....................................................11
2.1 音樂情緒........................................................12
2.1.2 音樂對人類生理、心理的影響.......................................20
2.2.1 發散性思考的意涵...............................................31
2.2.2 發散性思考的運用...............................................34
2.2.3 發散性思考與創意思考............................................36
2.2.4 發散性思考與設計創新的關係.......................................38
2.3 情緒與創意思考...................................................42
2.3.1 正向情緒與創意思考..............................................45
2.3.2 負向情緒與創意思考..............................................46
2.4 研究假設........................................................47
第三章 研究方法.....................................................50
3.1 研究架構與流程...................................................50
3.2 實驗一:音樂屬性與情感反應........................................53
3.3 實驗二:發散性思考測驗............................................67
第四章 結果與分析....................................................78
4.1 分析一:各音樂情境組間發散性思考測驗得分比較.........................78
4.2 分析二:音樂的正負向情感與喚起程度對發散性思考能力之影響..............82
4.3 分析三:時間壓力對發散性思考能力之影響..............................90
第五章 討論、結論與建議.............................................103
5.1 研究結果.......................................................103
5.2 討論..........................................................107

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