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研究生(外文):Jiang Kunhong
論文名稱(外文):The Journey of Purification: The Mythic Signification of the “River” in Xiyouji or The Journey to the West and the Purgatorio of Divine Comedy
指導教授(外文):Chi Ch’iu-lang
外文關鍵詞:The Journey to the WestPurgatorioKarmaOriginal SinIgnoranceTripitakaDante
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渡河的意象就佛教的觀點,是一種從「無明」到解脫的過程。在《西遊記》和《神曲:煉獄篇》中, 我們皆可發現這樣的意象穿插其中。然而,這兩部作品所呈現的不僅僅是這樣的意象。因為他們所表現的是神話的旅程,更是人生的一種縮影。在這樣的旅程中,兩位主人翁,唐三藏及但丁正是我們芸芸眾生的寫照。在煉獄裡,但丁乘著象徵他才智的小船越過苦海般的煉獄。便是這樣的旅程使他能進一步了解隱藏在苦難背後上帝的深意。而唐三藏需要經歷各式各樣的磨難。各式各樣的妖魔鬼怪正是他自我束縛的枷鎖。其中所展現的正是《心經》所說:「照見五蘊皆空,度一切苦厄」(周止庵 37)。 而透過他們兩位滌罪的過程,更希望我們對「業報」和「原罪」這兩個分屬佛教和基督教對於苦難的解釋能有更深一步的了解。對但丁而言,煉獄的旅程使他明瞭了上帝和凡人透過愛而成為一體。上帝本身已是愛的根源。而萬物本身皆擁有愛的本質。煉獄中的種種罪行正是起源於人對於上帝的忽視。更是一種對自身本質的忽視。經由罪人受罰的過程,但丁對於愛的本質有了深切的感受,並且了解到相較於上天的永恆,塵世的愉悅是何其短暫。而讀者也從唐三藏的旅程了解到旅程中的妖魔皆是他自己本身落於「無明」的結果。然而他們皆起因於唐三藏不識自身之佛性。透過旅程中妖魔的示現,唐三藏所經歷的是由明心見性進而達到「涅槃」的過程。對於但丁及唐三藏而言,他們的旅程最終皆是要回歸本我。而透過這樣的比較,希望我們對於苦難的觀點能有不同的見解,並對於神話旅程中所彰顯的人生價值能有更深的認識。
Purgatorio and The Journey to the West present the image of sailing over the symbolic river by crossing over “ignorance”無明 to attain enlightenment. This image is prevalent in these two masterpieces as the mythic journey of life. Additionally, these two characters, Dante and Tripitaka, represent everyman in their journeys. Dante sails over the watery realm, Purgatory, on his “little bark” which symbolizes his genius. Dante perceives God’s instructions by realizing torments of souls in Purgatory. With regard to Tripitaka, those demons during his journey are analogous with the self-imposed manacles which hinder him from realizing true self. Their journeys coincide with the descriptions in the Heart Sutra. The scripture says: “He perceived that all five skandhas are empty. Thus, he overcame all ills and suffering” 照見五蘊皆空,度一切苦厄 (trans. Master Lok 6-15). Through their journeys of purification, we may have a deeper understanding of “Karma” and “Original Sin,” which represent different perspectives of Buddhism and Christianity to suffering. Souls in Purgatory are exemplary for Dante to perceive the nature of love deeply. He also realizes that happiness in the physical world is transient when it is compared with eternity in heaven. With regard to Tripitaka, demons during his journey are caused by his ignorance which veils his Buddhahood. Hence when he rejects these demons, he also shatters the self-imposed manacles, ignorance, on his mind. We may see Tripitaka’s and Dante’s journeys as the process of returning and restoration. By comparing these two journeys, we may renew our customary ways of viewing suffering, and further, affirm the value of the mythic journey towards real life.
Table of Content:

Title Pages
Chinese Abstract
English Abstract
Chapter One: Sufferings and the Symbolic River
Chapter Two: The Nature of Suffering
Chapter Three: The Spiritual Guidance
Chapter Four: The Process of Returning
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