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研究生(外文):Chi-yu Tu
論文名稱(外文):Self-realization of Women in Like Water for Chocolate and The Mixquiahuala Letters
指導教授(外文):Yau-ling Hsieh
外文關鍵詞:self-realizationne CixousJulia KristevaLuce Irigarayself-identityécriture fémininechorasexual ambivalenceherstoryVirginia WoolfA Room of One's Own
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This thesis aims to explore self-realization of women in Laura Esquivel’s Like Water for Chocolate and Ana Castillo’s The Mixquiahuala Letters. I will apply
Hélène Cixous’, Julia Kristeva’s and Luce Irigaray’s theories to analyze how the protagonists in the two novels establish self-identity and fulfill self-realization through writing herstory and clarifying the space (chora) they dwell. This thesis can be divided into five chapters. The first chapter summarizes the characters, contents, authors, and the theories which are applied in the analysis of the two novels. In Chapter Two, I will investigate how writing can be regarded as the best strategy for women to establish self-identity and thus achieve self-realization through applying
Hélène Cixous’ concept of écriture féminine. The main idea of écriture
féminine—releasing and accepting the multiple heterogeneous differences—will also be discussed. Chapter Three focuses mostly on Julia Kristeva’s concept of “chora” which aims to elaborate on how women live in the interlocking space: traditional rituals, racism and sexual ambivalence. Chapter Four applies Irigaray’s concept of sexual difference to illustrate the necessity for women to create “herstory”—establishing a new age of thought, art, poetry and language. Chapter Five includes a review of the previous chapters and discusses Virginia Woolf’s ideas about women’s writing in A Room of One’s Own as the conclusion.

Chapter One Introduction………………………………….1

Chapter Two Fighting against Social Restriction……………..16

Chapter Three The Interlocking Space of Women: Traditional
Rituals, Racism and Sexual Ambivalence……......39

Chapter Four The Necessity for Women to Create “Herstory”……60

Chapter Five Conclusion……………………………………...78
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