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研究生(外文):Chien-hao Chiang
論文名稱(外文):Ritual: Funerals in the Iliad
指導教授(外文):Kai-chong Cheung
外文關鍵詞:ritualburialfuneralThe Iliadlifedeathhero
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對古希臘人而言,儀式是宗教和神聖的活動,是為了祈求豐收、旅途平安、 平息神明等等而舉行的。
For the ancient Greeks, ritual, a religious and sacred activity, is performed for harvest, safe journey, appeasing gods and so on.
Ritual is about communication, demonstration and reciprocation. Firstly, communication: ritual tries to communicate with gods, Earth or the supernatural powers. Secondly, demonstration: ritual is demonstrated for people to understand and learn it. Finally, reciprocation: ritual endeavors to reciprocate with gods or the supernatural powers, meaning “we offer, you return.”
Funeral, part of ritual, is very complex and serious. In ancient Greece, a funeral had to go through three processes: the wake, the lay-out of the ceremony, the funeral procession, and the burial.
In the Iliad, Homer’s view of death and his depiction of the funeral mostly match the ancient Greek view and traditional practice. However, behind the scene of killing, we cannot neglect one of the themes in the Iliad: life and death of the hero.
Table of Contents

Chapter One: Ritual.……..…………………………………………………….........10
1.1 People’s Relationship with Ritual………………………………………............10
1.2 Definition and Function of Ritual……………………………………………….12
1.3 Communication, Demonstration and reciprocation……………………………..15
Chapter Two: The Ancient Greek Funerals…………………………………………22
2.1 Beautiful Death, Will and Inheritance……………………………..……………23
2.2 Process of the Ancient Greek Funeral…………………………………...……...29
Chapter Three: Funerals in the Iliad………………………………………………...50
3.1 The Ancient Greek Conception of Death and Psyche in the Iliad…………..…..50
3.2 Funerals at War……………………………………………….…………………57
3.3 Patroclus’ Funeral……………………………………………………………….62
3.4 Hector’s Funeral…………………………………………………….…………...72
Works Cited.…………………………………………………………………………83
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